Ch. 18 - Rub Ah Dub Dub

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I forgot my damn clothes! I poke my head out of the bathroom door and look both ways. The coast seems clear. Chop Top and Drayton should be in town signing up for the chili cook-off this year. I step out of the bathroom and jog into Thomas's room. I wrap my towel around me even tighter. As soon as I get through the door, I feel eyes on the back of my neck. I look to see a maskless Tommy staring at me with wide eyes. He lifts up a book he's been practicing on. He can write, but his reading isn't the best. I give him a thumbs up.

"Looks like we're both naked in our own right." Thomas smiles a little at that and puts his book down. I'm trying to dry myself out of his view when he grabs the towel out of my hands and attempts to help me. I laugh when he goes to dry my armpits.

"Am I not drying myself fast enough for you?" He chuckles before giving me back the towel by tossing it at my face. I grunt as the soft pillowy fabric makes contact. I dry my hair before going back over to the bed. I give Thomas a kiss on the forehead.

"You're very silly today." He hums as he buries his face in my neck. We both sit there as I rub his back.

Thomas presses a firm kiss to my sternum.

"Oh, what's this? I thought you were a child of God?" He pinches me lightly for the bad joke before pressing another kiss to my collarbone. I hold him closer as I feel his teeth graze the skin of my neck. His breath slowly causes goosebumps to rise.

"I like this version of you a whole lot." I feel my heart swell as his calloused hands rub down my sides before cradling my ass. He pulls me closer, pressing his face into my breasts. He's been like that for so long that I think he might just suffocate.

"Comfy?" Thomas nods before pressing a final kiss on my neck and looking up. "You know it's not fair if I'm the ONLY one that's naked here." Thomas hums before standing up and locking the door. I sit down to enjoy the show.

My mouth nearly goes dry as I watch his large hands undo his buttons. Sure we've showered together but this is different, more...intimate. I follow the direction of his chest hair, which makes his muscled chest look softer. I follow his hands as they go lower and lower, the way his soft stomach pokes above his belt causes an odd stir in my body. The man shrugs off his shirt and walks towards me, his eyes watching my every move. I shakily raise my hands to caress his chest and stomach. He smiles down at me and grabs me by the hips before moving me further onto the bed. He cranes down and places clumsy, nervous kisses down my stomach.

I gasp as he presses his thumbs into my hips and looks up at me in surprise. I just nod and give him a smile. He smiles back and continues to press into me. He looks up at me curiously before poking his tongue out gently against my vulva. I gasp at the contrast in temperature causing him to blink before pressing his hot tongue against me.

"Oh!" I grab the sides of his head in surprise while he looks up at me in confusion. I nod, trying to hide the fact that I was already shaking like a lamb. He seems to notice anyway and caresses my thighs. He licks me up and down slowly, causing the fog to consume my every thought except watching what he's doing. I nearly feel like I've lost my damn mind when he suddenly stops before placing a kiss on my vulva.

I would laugh if my eyes didn't catch him undoing his belt. He definitely enjoys the attention, his chest heaving and his eyes analyzing my every reaction. I crawl closer to him, watching him lick his lips nervously. He steps out of his slacks, showing his girth struggling to be contained behind a pair of green briefs.

Feeling brave, I gently cup my lover in my hands and kiss his stomach. I hear a gasp before his hand is grabbing my hair. He pushes my face into his clothed manhood, rutting against me. I give him a loving tap on his thigh to make him stop.

"You know it would feel a lot better if you took those off too?" His eyes widen and he nods, stepping out of his briefs and allowing his throbbing cock to be free. I feel my mouth go dry. It's almost as thick as my wrist. God knows how long he is past the cushion.

I drop a pillow on the floor before going to my knees. Thomas watches me intently, his hand still cradling the back of my head. I gently place a kiss on his tip before working down to the base. I can see all the muscles in his body clench in restraint.

I then lick slowly from the bottom of his cock to the tip before taking the tip in my mouth and sucking gently. Thomas groans and sighs, his head tipping back. I slowly work my tongue around him, seeing how far I can go before he reaches my throat. I feel disappointed when I can't even get to the base. Thomas on the other hand is looking at me like I've turned water into wine. He licks his teeth before bucking his experimentally. I hum to let him know it's okay.

I wrap my hand around the base of his cock, Thomas takes this as encouragement and begins to thrust into my mouth and palm. He takes up so much room, I can feel my spit dripping down my chin. Thomas seems to get an impatient look before pulling out. I look at him in confusion before he pulls me onto the bed, pushing my legs up into the air.

I let out a gasp as Thomas puts every inch into me, pressing his hips against me with a groan. We both sit there in bliss before he looks at me for permission to continue, caressing my sides. As I nod he grabs my hips and thrusts into me so hard I'm seeing stars. All I can do is lay my head down and yell every form of praise to keep him going. Everything in my mind is erased except for his face. A sheen of sweat has formed on his beautiful body, accentuating his arm and leg muscles as they flex with each wave of pleasure. His brow is furrowed as his eyes stare deeply into mine.

I feel like I'm getting lost in them when he pulls out and flips me on my side. I didn't think it would be possible to feel any better. I'm sure I sound like a damn donkey. I don't even care if anyone hears, I just want more. I never want it to end. Thomas is eyeing my body like a starved man. I let out a cry when he presses his thumb into my clitoris, massaging it while he fucks into me without mercy. Thomas connects the dots and begins rubbing steadily. Oh god, oh god, oh god. It feels like my whole body seizes up before ecstasy takes over my body. I feel myself tighten on Thomas, creating a whole new wave of pleasure for the both of us. Thomas grunts before grabbing my hips and going inhumanely hard and fast. I feel like I might go brain-dead.

With a final thrust, he fills me to the brim, going in and out slowly until he goes soft. His muscles twitch as he watches his semen drip out of me slowly. I watch his face to see how he feels. He simply scoops me up and lays me on his chest before promptly falling asleep. I feel myself following his example as his steady heartbeat fills my head.

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