Ch. 24 - The Estate

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I wake up to yelling, whipping my head to the window; a headache blossoms beneath my skull. Crawling out of bed, I use my arms to prop me up and keep me hidden. I push my curtain back and peek out of the window.

It's the fucking Hartman crew from town. I can't hear what they're saying properly. I put on some jeans and tip-toed down the stairs. A familiar feeling washes over me as I stop and look at the basement door. It doesn't look shut all the way, but it could be my imagination. At least it feels like I'm being watched. I put my finger to my lips and waved for Thomas to get out of there. The door closes the rest of the way, confirming my suspicions. It seems like everyone from last night is outside with the Hartman gang. At least they might not try anything. I press myself below the window at the front of the house and listen.


"I don't know what yer talkin' about. We're all here to mourn the loss of family. You should show some respect." the leading Hartman becomes red in the face.

"WE LOST BLOOD TO LUDA! I BET IT WAS THAT FREAK YOU KEEP HIDDEN! YOUR FAMILY IS GONNA PAY THE PRICE FOR ALL YOU TOOK FROM US!" I see one of our ladies take her baby inside. She locks eyes with me in fear before recognizing me.

"I know you from Nubbin's memorial. I'm Loretta." She looks outside, and at her baby, her lips pressed thin. "It doesn't look good out there. Take my baby to the sunflower field where you can stay hidden." She pushes the baby into my arms and begins to unclasp her necklace. "Take Tommy with you. He knows the way." I nod as she puts her necklace in the swaddle. She slips some food jars into my pockets wordlessly before going back out the door. I don't wanna stick around for what Loretta thinks might happen. I'll see if Thomas is still in the basement.

"Tommy?" a hand clasps over my mouth, and I'm dragged into the basement. I lick his hand in retaliation. He pulls away from me with a huff, wiping his hand on his apron.

" Be careful! I have a baby!" Thomas looks toward the baby and coos out a small apology, letting the sweet creature hold his finger. Thomas looks over at his workstation with a sigh before pointing up at the cellar doors. He must've snooped out back while I was upfront. Thomas grabs my arm, leading me up the old stairs toward the surface. He pokes his head out and sighs with relief when there aren't any Hartmans. They must think all of us are in the front. Tommy and I quickly go to the sunflower field on the edge of the property, using the old cars littering the property as a way to hide from view.

The sweat is absolutely going down my back right now. I can't wait for this to be over. I let the baby teeth on my pinky finger. It hurts a little, but it's preferable to screaming.

Thomas leads me deeper into the field to keep any sounds the baby makes unnoticeable.

My heart and breathing stop when a gunshot rings out. Thomas steps forward but stops, looking at the baby with hesitation. He sighs deeply and leads me deeper into the field. I can't even see the house at this point. My arms have become an iron vice as I lower my breathing to make as little noise as possible. The gunshots are far away now, and Thomas sits in the field and looks up at the sky. I get close to his ear.

"Is that where the house would be?" He nods.

I stay standing, knowing that the sunflowers are a good head and a half taller than me. Plus, sitting down with a baby is a surefire way of getting it to cry. The popping sound of gunfire can be heard, but it's far away enough to not alert the baby. Thomas has opened one of the green jars and has been feeding the girl mush. He seems to know more about babies than me since she hasn't cried once except for a fussy face or two.

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