Ch. 11 - The Arrangements Begin

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"What do you mean he's dead?!" Charlie stands, grabbing Mama by the shoulders as she sobs into her hands. Uncle Monty covers his mouth in horror. Tommy whimpers softly as Drayton walks in front to explain what happened. I give the older man a nod of encouragement. His shoulders ease slightly, although his mouth stays pinched.

"There was a...break-in." He gives Uncle Charlie a pointed look. "Nubbins was foolin' around like usual and got killed by his own damn knife." I flinch as Charlie throws his hat against the wall with a sob. The man composes himself quickly.

"Did our boy get justice? Did you see who did it?" Drayton looks toward me and my heart drops into my stomach. He returns my nod. It's my turn to tell the story. I stand up as best as I can with my body shaking. I don't want to recount what happened not even a week before, but I will. For their sake.

"It was some girls, some guys. They broke in for god knows what reason and Nubbins was gone by the time I got home to help. I got the girl who came at me. Thomas got most of 'em before I was home. They probably thought no one was home." Charlie and Monty look between all of us. I don't know what they're saying to each other with their eyes but I seem excluded from some sort of family decision. That's fine by me. This was a personal matter between the family.

Charlie and Monty stand up. Monty was the first to speak. "I assume y'all been too busy to call the family over for all this business. I'll call from Charlie's radio and they'll all be here before the end of the week." Charlie grabs his hat off the floor.

ds"I'll go finish up some work at Monty's place. I'll make sure everything is taken care of legality-wise." I mumble a soft thanks. "Did they say where they were headin'?"

Drayton sneers. "They said they inherited the old Hardesty plot. Was headin' there". Charlie groans.

"I remember the Hardesty family. Had a crippled boy 'bout Tommy's age. Always had their wild ass kids runnin' around gettin' hurt." Charlie tips his hat. "Welp, I'll see what I can do. Seems pretty much-taken care of though. I'll leave Monty with ya to clean up and cook, Mae. You deserve a break with your old self." Luda Mae chuckles, pushing her brother playfully as he leaves. It was nice seeing them act so sweet with each other. That reminds me that I still need to write a letter to my ma about what I've been up to.

I'm left alone with Thomas as the older folk split up to take care of Nubbins' funeral service. He nods his head up to say he wants to go to the room. His room has been our hang-out spot for some time. I don't like being in my room all that much since Nubbins died. I dream about him and knowing I can't hear his laughter next door anymore makes it worse. When I'm with Tommy, we can play tic tac toe or rock paper scissors. Anything to pass the time, really.

Once in his room, the large man takes off his mask with a sigh, rubbing his face in exhaustion. Some dead skin falls off but I'm not sure if it's from his hands or the chapped scar tissue. He begins to write on his notepad after we sit on his bed.

"I miss nubbins." I rub his shoulders and give him the hardest squeeze my body can muster. It feels like squeezing a boulder.

"I miss him too, honey." I hold his face in my hands as he leans into me slowly.

"What's on your mind piglet." Thomas smiles at the nickname. Ever since I showed him those picture books for kids I always joke around when he's acting shy and quiet.

"Oh, bother. What's on my friend Piglet's mind today?" He laughs, shoving me lightly. He begins to write. His handwriting is getting better every day.

"You help a lot. Make Mama and me happy. I think you're pretty." I smile and squish his big hand.

"Oh yeah? Well, I think YOU'RE pretty too. I'm glad I can help put a smile on that pretty face when something like this happens." The man stares into my soul with his big hazel eyes and I feel like my heart is filling up with love. He holds my face and guides it toward him. I get ready for the little pecks we've been giving each other but this kiss lingers.

His lips are so warm and soft. They're chapped to hell but mine are too with this dry weather. I feel my whole body warm up and relax as he holds me closer. I let my hands go up into his hair, gently untangling any knots I happen to find. It's like I can only think of how his lips and hands feel. We rock back and forth lazily like we're trying to dance while we kiss. When he finally lets up we're both breathing heavily.

"Thomas Hewitt, you must have the sweetest lips in the whole world. Think I might get addicted to you if you keep kissin' me like that." If the man wasn't red before he resembles a tomato after my cheesy words. He rolls me on top of him and nearly squeezes the air out of my lungs. I let the feelings around us return to normal before I push myself up to talk.

"Do you think we should start cleaning now since your Aunt Tea doesn't live too far from here?" A groan of despair is my answer as Thomas rolls off the bed, letting me slide to my feet. I grab his smaller mask from a hook on the wall.

"Wear this one, it makes you sweat less." Thomas gives me a grimace. He really doesn't like wearing these masks as often as he does but the other men in his family can be mean about his nose and scars. He'd also be heartbroken if he made baby Jedidiah cry.

I purse my lips at his behavior, humming in thought.

"How about, you enjoy letting your face breathe while I go sweep? I'm sure Mama and Uncle Monty already finished the kitchen by now. If you want to play with your chicken you better do it now though before all those people show up. The poor girl will be too anxious once people start making noise." Thomas seems to light up, grabbing his mask to go play with his favorite chicken. He can take it off once he locks the crafts room. He gives me a peck on the cheek and lips before heading downstairs.

I run into Monty grabbing the broom from the kitchen. The poor man does his best to muster a smile.

"Hiya girly. How you been? You know...with what you did and what happened." I shrug and grimace.

"I don't really feel bad for killin' the intruder. It was to protect Thomas and the family. I'm just getting used to the idea that I've killed a person I guess? Thomas and I miss Nubbins a lot. I told Thomas I'd find a camera as a junk sale or somethin' once I get gas so we can take pictures for Nubbins' room." Monty smiles and gives my shoulder a squeeze.

"Hell, I'd be willing to help fund a trip like that. The family could use some good photos, 'specially with the new baby in the family. I'll be sure to check the radios for when other stations get their gas. Make sure to tell the others about your little trip so they can give you money for essentials that are in town." I nod.

"I was probably gonna get Tommy some new clothes too for his birthday but we'll keep that hushed for now." Monty shakes his head with a chuckle.

"No wonder that boy is stuck to you like glue. Sweet as honey." The man walks away with a weary smile while I get started on sweeping the living room. Hopefully, the cleaning will be done before the first of the Hewitt family shows up.

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