Ch. 14 - Chop Top is Top Notch

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Thomas grabs my hand and leads me upstairs to follow Mama and Chop Top. As we get to Mama's room Chop Top exits. He smiles to reveal rotten teeth. Must've not had good dental during Vietnam. He opens his arms and twirls in a circle to show off his outfit. A dark vest over a flannel shirt and some jeans.

"Bet-bet I'm lookin' rrrreal nice. Huh, Bubba? Mama kept my-my clothes from before I left." Tommy claps for his older brother before crushing the skinny man in his arms. Chop Top's nervous laugh quickly transitions to a sad wheeze under his little brother's might. The man double-taps on Tommy's back before being released gently. Chop Top hunches over with a giggle, using Tommy as a crutch.

"Could've used you out there in the fields Bubba, a strong g-guy like you would've crushed Charlie." I cock my head at that comment. Chop Top was drafted but none of the others were.
"Why were you the only one that got drafted, Chop?" Chop Top itches at his scar and giggles nervously, refusing to make eye contact.

"W-well with our work, eeeeveryone gets hurt. Ends up with flat-flat feet, busted joints, and bone spurs. Some of us get hit in the head rrrreal hard while working in the factory. Drayton was helping Mama on the farm and raising us." Thomas points at his head and mumbles, causing Chop Top to frown for a second. "Yeah, the clinic had lil' Bubba for a rrrreal long time. Can't serve the country if-if the state says you-you're crazy." I raise my eyebrows at that. Thomas seems to shrink on himself.

"Tommy? Insane? I know he's shy and has problems but from what I know those are recent. He's the most loving and sane man I've met!" Chop Top stares at me for a few seconds, his eyes switching over to Thomas occasionally before he breaks out into a big smile.

"I'll have Bubba explain it to-to ya. Not my story to tell. Just know a lot of folks from the-the town rrrreally don't like us Sawyers. That-that old blood hate." Thomas nods in agreement. I look Chop Top over. He's so different from Nubbins but it's like looking at a picture. It's so weird. He looks so much tired and paler than his twin. Vietnam must've done a number on the poor man.

"That's okay. Tommy said he'd tell me later anyway. I was gonna go to town tomorrow, would you like some clothes or something." Chop Top waves the idea away with his hands.

"Don't need no-no clothes. You can get me some new records though. Music is my life. Get me some Queen or some-some Lynyrd Skynrd. Love those guys." Chop Top holds up a peace sign. I nod.

"I'll have Tommy write down the things everyone needs or wants. I got some decent cash from y'all's aunt Verna." Chop Raises his thin eyebrows in amazement.

"Woooooow. Aunt Verna must rrrrreally like you to-to give you money like that. We'll be set for a while on that trip." Mama steps out of the room with a box full of clothes.

"Now what's all this about a trip? You're not goin' by yourself are you?" I blank for a second. She's right. I have no idea how to get to that town from here. I only got here BECAUSE I was so damn lost. Mama sighs.

"I'll send Drayton with you. He goes into town every year for the chili cook-off. I'm sure he'd probably make you look at a few butcher shops but that's the sacrifice we'll have to make." I chuckle. Drayton is the most competitive man I've ever met. He says he's mastered what meat is best for his chili this year. I sure hope he wins.

The dinner bell begins to ring downstairs. Everyone looks at each other with grim expressions. We all agreed to say something about Nubbins before eating.

We all go outside to see a line of old foldable tables from the barn lined up and set with plates. I try not to smile when I realize that none of the chairs match. I just know it's driving Mama up the wall looking at it. Grandpa takes the head of the table across from Verna. I decided to sit between Thomas and Chop Top. I feel my lips press into a thin line. What better way to get to know a man than to pour my heart out at a funeral? How sad.

Everyone begins to pass the dishes to one another and set our plates. Drayton insists that they take a serving of chili on their plate. Only the little ones are excused since it's a little spicy. Thomas helps cut the roasted chickens before sliding them to each side of the table. It almost feels like Thanksgiving. It's nice. I can almost pretend we aren't here for the disgusting reason we are. I can almost pretend that Nubbins is just late for dinner again...but the mound of dirt in my peripheral won't let me.

Silence takes over. No one knows who should go first. I sigh and rub my eyes wearily, causing all eyes to focus on me.

"I was the last to see him beside Tommy so I'll go first. He was my friend. I loved my friend and I almost felt like I was close to loving him like a brother. He could be obnoxious with his teasing but he showed his love through his art. He captured moments of the family I'd never even thought about. Washing dishes, feeding chickens...they all were beautiful moments to him. Sure I screamed at him for stinking up the house with roadkill but I know he did it as a joke. He was the brother I never had. I miss him every day."

Everyone looks at me as I nearly collapse into my chair. Thomas rubs my arms lovingly. Mama began her blubbering again and even Tex began to sniffle. Drayton puts his head in his hands before sighing.

"Lord help us Sawyers..."

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