Ch. 12 - Dearly Beloved pt. 1

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I hope I'm basting this damn chicken right. Mama showed me twice but I'm still not quite sure if I'm doing it the way she'd do it exactly. I stop what I'm doing once I hear footsteps approaching. Henriette and Aunt Tea come stomping through, looking frayed and hysterical. Both of them are drenched with sweat and Jedidiah is covered with a sheet for shade.

"Where's Nubbins?" I blank before pointing out back to the sad little boulder that is his tombstone. The dirt hasn't grown grass yet. I open my arms as the baby is shoved into my chest, causing the poor dear to cry.

Thomas must've heard the crying from his crafts room because he comes jogging to my aid with a rattler made from bone and cloth. It's a little unorthodox but I'd accept anything to settle the poor boy. I wet a rag with some water that had been boiled previously and begin to wipe down Jedidiah to cool him off. The baby slowly stops fussing, smiling softly as Thomas lets them grab the rattle. I hand the baby to Thomas with an apologetic smile.

"Would you hold him while I stick this bird in the oven? I'm sure most of the family will be over by the time it's done cookin'". Thomas holds the baby, swaying back and forth happily as they coo to each other.

I nearly jump out of my skin when Uncle Hoyt pops his head into the kitchen.

"Well don't you two look like a dandy family. Too bad Junior here is too much of a pansy to spread his seed any time soon." I scoff.

"He ain't a pansy, he's a gentleman. Can you imagine how Mama would act if we had a baby out of wedlock? She'd probably bury you alive if she found out you encouraged it." Hoyt sneers because he knows I'm right. He shrugs his anger off. Tommy and I just got together anyway. All that baby nonsense is for the future.

"Ain't no time for a baby anyway. We already got two youngins in the family. Spending money on them is enough to make someone's pockets cry ." Monty sticks himself into the conversation from the living room.

"Might not be hurtin' for money too badly soon 'nough. I heard Verna's been shackin' up with a rich man who's got his hands in the slaughterhouse business. If we're lucky she'll get this one back up before we know it." Hoyt rolls his eyes, turning toward his older brother.

"You know Verna always wants something in return. We both know she's got a soft spot for Junior here. Would probably have him doing all her butchering in return for any good money." Monty laughs.

"A big house would be good for the behemoth. Plus with his girly in the picture, we might need to make room for a big baby just like 'em in the future." Hoyt nods in agreement.

I mash potatoes with a furrow on my brow.

"If this Verna woman is as keen to Tommy as y'all say, that's nice, but I wouldn't wanna impose on her new home." Hoyt waves it off.

"That old bird would probably insist that you stay with her. She's the boss next to old Luda. Luda can't keep track of everything so they split the work when kids and new couples are involved. With Luda's age and health, damn you'd probably get moved in with Verda anyway."

Henriette comes back with a tear in her eye but she smiles when Thomas hands Jedidiah back to her.

"You'll love Verna. I lived with her when I first got my little sunflower here. She helped me figure out the formula and helped me find the boxes of baby clothes the family passes down. I left to live with Aunt Tea after she started getting involved with that businessman. He's nice too."

I add butter and seasoning to the mash with a hum. Thomas takes the finished potatoes to the dining room.

"Uncle Hoyt, would you and Monty go get grandpa? He's been upset with everything and won't let me touch him right now." Charlie nods and follows Monty up to the attic. Henriette goes to the backyard with Jedidiah. I sigh with relief. "There are so many people comin' over. I hope Drayton makes enough barbeque and chili." I look at the big pot he has prepared on the stovetop. "Should we get the meat out for him?" Thomas nods before walking away.

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