Ch. 19 - Game Night

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All the chores got done early since Thomas had woken up earlier than usual. I watch with a small smile as his chicken walks her way across the floor eating seeds Chop Top had put in a maze pattern. A trick into keeping her out of trouble in the living room. The radio hums Patti La Sale's "It's Over". Chop Top didn't much care for girly pop music but he's okay listening to it when he's busy playing games with Thomas. A dice game called Zilch is the newest one he's teaching Thomas. I don't understand it much myself but it's fun to see how excited Thomas gets when he wins. Pretty sure ol' Robert is letting his little brother win every now and then but that's okay.

"Okay, so see how I couldn't get 500 points?" Thomas nods. "That means I can't keep score yet 'cause it's just the first round. I give you the dice and now YOU have to try to get 500 points." Thomas sighs. No one has been able to keep score for a few turns now. I get off the couch.
"This game seems to be a dud right now. Want me to get some cards out so you can play slap jack or something?" Chop Top grimaces at the name.

"Thomas plays too rough for Slap Jack." Thomas deflates at the comment but Chop Top pats his back and smiles. "That's okay buddy, we can play Go Fish! You love that game!" Thomas nods happily.

"Alright. I'll go get the cards from the kitchen. I'll be back with some tea and cookies too." Chop Top is practically vibrating in his seat at the mention of cookies. He's had a real sweet tooth since coming back from Vietnam. Mama says its worse than when he was a little boy. That would probably explain his terrible teeth.

I bring everything out on Grandma's serving tray. Chop top immediately makes a grab for a cookie and hums with delight as he crunches down on it. I chuckle.

"Is it really that good?" He nods.

"Everything is so much better than I remember. I'll never call Drayton's food slop after what they made me eat. If I ate." I nod but I simply can't imagine what it was like for him. To be so far from home. At least Thomas was still in Texas when he got taken.

"Well, it's your house so feel free to stuff yourself. Just make sure to chew your food. Can't have you choking to death here in Texas after making it home alive. That'd just be embarrassing." Chop Top barks out a laugh and suddenly you're looking Nubbins in the face again. I stare at him and he gives me a weird look.

"You okay girly? You're lookin' like you got the hundred-yard stare." I shake my head.

"Sorry, it's sound so much like him sometimes." He smiles sadly.

"At least I don't look too much like my brother anymore. Being a twin is hard but being the one left ain't so fun either." I take out the playing cards with a sigh and shuffle them.

"I can't imagine it is, but we're all here for each other and we're here for Mama. Family above all else." Chop Top squeezes my ankle from his seated position on the floor.

"I heard that, sister. All I want now is peace, love, and time with my family."

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