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elizabeth awoke the next morning with the sounds of rain and thunder still humming in her ears

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elizabeth awoke the next morning with the sounds of rain and thunder still humming in her ears. the vivid, stormy dreams she had the night before had faded away with the first rays of light, but they still lingered in the back of her mind like a forgotten song. the soft morning glow filtered through the curtains as she lay in bed, taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly. she had slept soundly despite all the chaos of the night before, but her thoughts couldn't help but drift back to those dreams that had left her feeling so unsettled.

she couldn't remember what it was. she just remembered running. running until her lungs burned, to the point where she forced herself to wake up.

she's often a curious person

but she didn't want to stick around and find out what was to happen to her.

elizabeth shook the eerie feeling off and got out of bed. it was still drizzling outside. she had a pounding headache (presumably from walking around in the heavy rain), and was planning to take it easy. after she brushed her teeth, got dressed, and braided her hair, she headed to the kitchen to get started on breakfast.

she began to scramble some eggs, and when she believed they were done cooking, she scraped them onto her plate.

she glanced at the clock, which read 8:09 am. that was a big surprise, because during the summer elizabeth was never up before one in the afternoon. she took a bite of her eggs and immediately spit it out.

it had the consistency of jelly.

elizabeth couldn't cook to save her life.

after tossing her abomination of a meal into the trash, she went to her mother's room, who was sleeping after a long night shift.

"mama," elizabeth whispered, shaking her shoulder gently. when she didn't stir or turn, elizabeth pulled the blanket over her and kissed her forehead. two had stayed over at the curtis house, and darry drove her home the night before.

she called the curtis house. no answer, everyone was more than likely to be asleep. she glanced out of the window, seeing that the rain finally cleared up and the sky was just dismal, in the most calming way possible. like the feeling you have after holding in your tears for so long, and finally letting it out; no longer feeling full of the suffocating lodged in your stomach, chest, and throat. she scribbled a note and left it on her mom's nightstand before pocketing a few coins and heading out to the dingo.

elizabeth had a tendency to play with random things around her. if she didn't, she would often twiddle with her hair or mess with her hands. in this case, her victim of fidgeting was a stick. she dragged it along the sides of buildings, the rough scraping sounding all too familiar, like a car going over coarse gravel. all that's missing is the roar of a mustang's engine.

not that she wanted to hear one.

it only just occurred to her that she was walking alone. elizabeth wasn't itching to get jumped. she'd seen what socs have done to other greasers, and a thirteen year old girl like herself surely wouldn't be able to hold any socs off. thankfully, it was early in the morning on a sunday, and most of the teenagers in town were sleeping off hangovers.

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