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get over it

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get over it.

get over it.

get over it.

ellie's own words, yet she so hypocritically struggled to listen to them. how do you get over the fact that you're unintentionally destroying your own body? it's not like she meant to hurt herself.

her appetite was just minimal; everyday she'd be hungry at the normal times of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but after the first bite, the rumbling sensation in her stomach vanished, and, on the contrary, she ended up feeling quite full.

and the exhaustion. dear god, the exhaustion was bound to drive ellie crazy. one day she could sleep, feel refreshed, feel, feel normal, but three days later it's back to how it was. a never ending cycle of just wanting to be well-rested.

"maybe it's insomnia?" evie suggested. her, sandy, rose, melissa, and ellie were hanging out for the first time since thanksgiving break started—rose begged sandy to join them—and the girls were quick to notice ellie's fatigued state.

"i think you're depressed," rose chimed in, taking a sip of her milkshake. from across the booth, ellie noticed sandy give rose a swift kick to the shin. "ow," she winced, rubbing her leg.

melissa tried to fight back her laugh, for her mouth was full of food. but the nasty scowl rose gave sandy caused her to snort and spit out some of her burger.

evie smiled awkwardly as she pat melissa's back to prevent choking. the last thing she wanted was any accidents.

"see, that's a reason to kick someone's shin," rose mumbled, earning a playful yet teary eyed glare from melissa.

"anyway," sandy said, changing the subject, "maybe your eating habits are affecting how tired you are."

"or maybe you're depressed," rose suggested again with raised eyebrows. sandy opened her mouth to scold her, but was quickly interrupted.

"i wasn't talkin' to you, dee-dee, so you can't tell me nothing," rose told her before turning back to ellie. "a cherry for your inconvenience," she said, subtly gesturing towards her sister. sandy shook her head.

"thanks, rose," ellie laughed softly before placing the fruit atop her own milkshake. "i'm not depressed, by the way," she insisted.

"if ya say so," rose shrugged as she shoveled a spoonful of ice cream (which wasn't hers—it belonged to evie) into her mouth.

"gee, rose, this has me wonderin' what you perceive the rest of us to be," evie laughed.

rose deliberately jabbed a thumb towards melissa. "she would be legally insane, but she's flyin' under the radar, so she ain't. nobody knows yet, but it's only a matter of time."

"i'll never understand the rivalry between you two," ellie said to melissa, who was stirring her milkshake with her straw.

"dee-dee here probably has some unresolved anger issues that'll result in unhealthy ways of coping."

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