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everybody always gets tired of summer vacation until it's time to return to the hell that most people have dubbed as "school

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everybody always gets tired of summer vacation until it's time to return to the hell that most people have dubbed as "school."

that's how humans are: they want one thing, and once they get it, they long for more. we as people are never satisfied, and in all honesty, we're just plain greedy, usually without meaning to be. it's not like we can really help it (although sometimes we can), it's just how people were created.

always wanting something better.

greed is a strong force that can end up being more powerful than the said person
resulting in punishment that may occur to a being who just wanted more.
the lack of willpower in oneself can have drastic effects when not careful.

of course, ellie never wanted the break to end, because she hated school. who doesn't? it was just a bunch of work and avoiding half the school cause they'd ridicule her all day long if she didn't.

she was essentially at the bottom of the hierarchical food chain, and when it came to the learning department, elizabeth mathews had one goal and one goal only: don't get eaten.

putting it off for as long as she could, ellie rolled over and closed her eyes once again, hoping to get a few more minutes of sleep. her bed always seemed so much cozier when she wasn't able to enjoy it for long; it was warm and she sunk into the cloud-like mattress, feeling weightless and that she could fall through the sky of dreams.

but what you wish to last forever is always cut short.

two-bit burst into her room, causing the door to ricochet off of the wall harshly. ellie sat up and looked at her brother incredulously.

"two-bit, just because you don't care about the condition of your room does not mean you can destroy mine. now get out and leave me alone..." she trailed off as she lay back down and started to drift off back to sleep.

two-bit was silent for a few moments, but smirked mischievously when he got the bright idea to play the ronettes' "be my baby" on the loudest setting. and, although his intentions were impish, he handled his sister's records with the utmost care; he knew how hard she worked to buy them. he might have been reckless at times, but he wasn't heartless.

he placed the vinyl on the record player, and the chipper tune blared throughout the room, to which ellie groaned and sat up.

"rise and shine, echo, we gotta meet with the others, so you best hurry up," two-bit said as he leaned against her dresser, not bothering to turn off the song.

"two-bit, this song is so loud!" ellie yelled over the music, to which he smirked and pointed to his ears as if to imply that he couldn't hear her.

"turn it off, keith!" she felt like punching him at this point, and she'd only been awake for ten minutes.

"can't—hear youuuu," he sung along to the song while waving his fingers in his ears, and ellie finally jumped up out of bed to turn it down herself. he laughed as he walked out of the room, shutting the door as she let out a frustrated sigh.

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