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the neon glow of the diner's sign flickered overhead as ellie pushed open the door, the familiar jingle announcing her entrance

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the neon glow of the diner's sign flickered overhead as ellie pushed open the door, the familiar jingle announcing her entrance. the air inside was a mix of cigarette smoke and the sizzle of frying food. ellie's eyes scanned the room, searching for an empty booth.

as she made her way through the crowded diner, her attention was drawn to a figure sitting alone in a dimly lit corner. ferris williams, with his golden, tousled hair and enigmatic eyes, seemed absorbed in a book, an air of mystery surrounding him.

ellie hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to join him or find another spot. the dim glow accentuated ferris' features, casting shadows that seemed to dance with the secrets he held. intrigued, ellie boldly decided to approach.

"mind if i join ya?" she asked, her voice cutting through the low hum of conversation.

ferris looked up from his book, his expression unreadable. after a pause that felt longer than it was, he gestured to the empty seat across from him. "suit yourself."

ellie slid into the booth, curiosity flickering in her eyes. "what're you readin'?"

ferris closed the book, a small smile playing on his lips. "just a bit of philosophy. tryin' to make sense of the world, you know?"

"that sounds interestin'," ellie said as she glanced around the place. "you here alone?"

"yep," ferris replied, tapping his index fingers on the cover of the book. "my brother don't got time for anything that's..." he trailed off before shrugging. "never mind."

ellie tilted her head quizzically. ferris didn't seem very open, but she knew that trait all too well. after all, it was her.

"i've got an older brother, too. his name's two-bit. he's a real jokester, don't take much serious."

ferris smiled warmly, looking down at the book. "yeah, i figured."

"figured what?" she asked, her eyebrows inching closer together.

"that you're related to two-bit. it makes sense that you're so quiet. i only ever see you talkin' to melissa or ponyboy in class." he licked his lips before making eye contact with her, ellie's cheeks started to feel warm and she looked away. "and you guys look kinda similar, too."

ellie's hand instinctively went to her face. "that's insulting. i'd prefer not to look like him."

ferris chuckled, sensing ellie's discomfort. "hey, don't get me wrong. i didn't mean it as an insult. it's just an observation."

ellie shot him a skeptical look. "observation or not, being compared to two-bit ain't exactly a compliment. he's got a way of gettin' on everyone's nerves."
ferris leaned back in his seat, a thoughtful expression on his face. "fair point. but you're different, ain't you? you don't strike me as someone who gets on people's nerves."

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