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december 14th, 1957

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december 14th, 1957

elizabeth had just turned eight; she felt she was old enough to accompany her female role models in everything she possibly could. because what child doesn't want to be just like the people they look up to?

so, a young girl walked with her mother and her godmother, walking in between them and holding each of their hands as they proceeded down the sidewalk. the winter season was here, and christmas shopping was on the to-do list. for the ladies, at least.

because the men had the handy work. like chopping firewood.

it didn't really matter, though. elizabeth had no complaints, she wanted to be just like her mother.

with their noses and cheeks rosy, faces bubbly and smiling, they walked along the shops, happy to be spending time with each other. elizabeth couldn't imagine a better time. she was learning to be proper.

in her eyes, she was growing up.

to many others, however, she was just a little girl who was dependent on her mother. how cute.

all three of them thought the moment truly couldn't get any better.

their thoughts were correct.

a young boy with cold features was walking the opposite direction, eyes glued to the floor. he had a large backpack on his shoulders and was shivering. he wasn't wearing thick clothes, more so clothes suitable for spring or summer. his face and garments were dirty, and he was very skinny. ms. mathews and mrs. curtis' first instinct was to help the young boy. elizabeth, being the timid young girl she was, watched from a safe distance.

elizabeth found it odd how she had never seen him before, cause tulsa wasn't all that big of a town. she knew who most, if not all, of the kids her age were.

she saw them talking to the boy, but what it was they were saying, she couldn't tell you.

the next thing elizabeth knew, she was no longer holding hands with the women in her life, instead she was awkwardly walking on the side of her mom. the boy had taken her place. she resented that.

not that she would ever show it.

it wouldn't be very kind of her to act impolitely to a boy who was clearly going through it. and the idea of being jealous of him was just absurd! he was barely surviving, freezing with no shelter, and elizabeth was bundled up, with a home, food to eat, and loving friends and family.

but she couldn't shake away the shard of envy stabbing her in the back.

they walked home, and elizabeth put on her earmuffs, doing whatever she could to drown out the voices of the mothers soothing the boy. she couldn't have been any happier once they were back at the curtis house, so she could get away from the stranger, and be around some familiar faces.

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