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may 9th, 1954

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may 9th, 1954.

ellie and her dad were sitting on the sofa, watching a cartoon on tv after school. they were both snacking on popcorn, and the atmosphere in the room was warm and cozy. ellie was snuggled up to her dad, who was stroking her hair.

"hey, betty," her dad said softly, using her nickname for her. "how was your day at kindergarten, sweetie?"

"it was good," ellie responded, still focused on the television. she was a little bit shy and didn't quite know what else to say.

"that's great, sweetie. did you learn anything new?" her dad asked, his eyes still fixed on the tv.

"yeah, we learned how to sing the alphabet," ellie said. "my teacher said i'm really good at it!"

her dad chuckled and gave her a light squeeze. "i'm sure you are, betty. you're such a smart girl."

"smarter than keith, right?"

her dad let out a soft chuckle. "sometimes. but if you ever tell him i told you that, i will deny it."

they both sat in comfortable silence for a moment, their focus on the tv. ellie was relaxed and comfortable, and she felt safe and loved in her dad's arms.

suddenly, a loud noise interrupted their peace. ellie jumped and clung to her dad, who quickly comforted her.

"It's okay, baby. it's just a storm," he said, his voice steady and reassuring. "there's nothin' to be afraid of."

ellie nodded, her heart still racing. her dad held her close, and the two of them just sat together, waiting out the storm.

"it's peaceful if you think about it. like a little lullaby. that's why it keeps you inside, so you'll be able to sleep. ain't it time for you to take a nap, anyhow?" he asked, looking down at his daughter.

"no, i wanna wait until keith and mama get home."

"alright, sweetie. but i don't wanna see you burnin' the world down just cause you're cranky."

"daddy, play with me more!" she exclaimed suddenly. he looked down at her with a tired smile, taking her hands in his and pulling her close for a hug. "of course, my love," he said softly, "whatever you want."

as they hugged, her father presented subtle signs that something was off. the man's eyes look distant, his smile forced, his touch less than enthusiastic. despite her young age, ellie was wise beyond her years. but she was so focused on the game, she didn't notice the shift in his emotions.

she reached for his hand, and they resumed playing with a newfound vigor, her laughter filling the room. but as the hours passed, the man's demeanor became more and more subdued. there was a heaviness in the air, a sense of impending loss.

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