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whatever it was that ellie was planning a few days ago, it didn't work

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whatever it was that ellie was planning a few days ago, it didn't work.

they found out about ferris rather quickly.

ellie and two-bit showed up to will rogers as they would any other day. of course, the knots in the girl's stomach were palpable, with her refusing to eat anything that morning.

"you plannin' on keeping hungry all day, elle? i ain't too fond of the idea of havin' to force feed you," two-bit had said with a hint of joking in his voice. ellie merely shrugged.

"i'll eat during lunch... maybe i'll be feeling better then," she added in a quiet mumble as she gathered her things and walked past him and out the door. but she highly doubted it. really, she just didn't want him worrying about her like he seemed to be doing a lot of lately.

two-bit met her outside a few minutes later. ellie looked at her brother in confusion, noticing his lack of belongings. "where's your stuff?"

"don't need it. why would i carry a bunch of books that i don't even use around all day? i'll probably end up ditching that place, anyway," he said, a goodnatured grin playing on his lips.

"okay," ellie said slowly, removing her own backpack from her shoulders. "then you wouldn't mind holdin' my things for me."

two-bit scoffed incredulously. "echo, you're perfectly capable of carryin' your own books. now c'mon, let's go. it ain't the quickest walk from here."

ellie pursed her lips and let out an exhale through her nose, shrugging the straps of her backpack back onto her shoulders. she couldn't help but be annoyed with two-bit and his beat-up car. if it wasn't so janky they wouldn't have to be walking.

no, that's unfair. at least he drives you when he can, elizabeth. she looked up at her brother, feeling bad, but he was already looking down at her. he seemed to be keeping a closer eye on her than usual. it was weird, but justified. ever since that run-in with the socs, the whole gang seemed to be worrying about her more.

it also didn't help much that she couldn't really fight. similar to ponyboy, she didn't want to hurt anybody. but at least he could defend himself if he needed to. there was always this voice echoing in the depths of ellie's mind, taunting her, telling her over and over that she was a liability to them all.

there wasn't anything she could do, though. girls didn't fight! ellie never had a reason to, either. socs and greasers alike didn't usually go around roughing up girls. sure, they'd probably go and say foul things, but it was rare that things actually got physical.

two-bit shoved his hands into his pockets, an all-too-familiar mischievous grin forming on his face. "ellie," he said slowly, waiting for his sister to look at him. when she didn't, he threw an arm around her shoulders, shaking her a bit. "i know you hear me, elle."

"hm," ellie hummed in response, not bothering to indulge in whatever he had to say to her. she knew he was probably going to tease her about something. she knew her brother. she could hear it in his voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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