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the gang, except for darry, who was getting ready for work, was gathered around the table for breakfast, the morning sun peaking through the window and illuminating the peaceful scene

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the gang, except for darry, who was getting ready for work, was gathered around the table for breakfast, the morning sun peaking through the window and illuminating the peaceful scene. however, despite the pleasant atmosphere, ellie seemed disinterested in the meal and had not touched her food, a development that was not lost on her friends. seeing ellie's lack of interest in breakfast, her friends voiced their worries and concern, prompting a very awkward conversation.

"ellie, why ain't you eatin'? you love eggs,"  johnny said through a mouthful of food.

her face wrinkled in disgust. "no i don't." she pushed away the plate and began to leave the table, that is, until steve grabbed her by the shoulders and sat her back down.

"since when you don't like eggs, betty?" he asked, grabbing a strip of bacon from her plate.

"since today. my um. my stomach feels uneasy. i might just go home or somethin'," ellie lied, cracking her knuckles. she could feel all the attention on her now. "and stop calling me betty."

johnny noticed ellie's habit, a dead giveaway that she wasn't being truthful. it was truly unfortunate that he was so observant. he nudged ponyboy under the table, trying to be discreet, but ellie definitely noticed. she didn't say anything though, as to not bring more awareness to herself.

ponyboy looked up and noticed how she crackled the knuckle on her index finger. "liar, liar, pants on fire," ponyboy accused before shoveling a forkful of eggs in his mouth.

ellie rolled her eyes. "grow up, would ya?" she shot at him, feeling the tips of her ears reddening.

"yeah, okay kid. now tell us the real reason you refuse to eat," dally said, an unlit cigarette dangling from his lips.

"um... eggs are so eggy. like, they're unborn chickens. don't that sound gross to y'all?"

a series of 'no's' and head shakes came from around the table. "y'know you sound real stupid right now, elle," dally chuckled, taking out a match to light his cigarette.

"shut up, dunderhead, before i tell darry you're bout to burn the house down—darry!"

darry walked in, wearing a white muscle shirt and jeans. "watch your mouth, kiddo," he pointed to dallas, "i better not catch you smokin' in my house, dallas." ponyboy, two-bit, and steve snickered,  cause seeing dally winston getting bossed around sure was a sight to see.

dally hastily shoved the match back in its box. he swiftly took the unlit cigarette out of his mouth and scoffed. "i'd rather be a dunderhead than be a fussbudget."

ellie looked at darry indignantly. "so he gets to call me names and i get in trouble for doin' the same thing?"

darry ignored her, walking away and rubbing his temple, muttering about how it was too early for this.

it's funny, really. elizabeth hadn't slept all night, so it wasn't early for her. it could've even been considered late.

"y'know," soda began, reading the back of a cereal box, "i think dar's damn right bout it bein' too early. why the heck did you guys show up at the brink of dawn?"

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