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the light blue hue stretched across tulsa in the early morning before the world awoke

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the light blue hue stretched across tulsa in the early morning before the world awoke. ellie was up, feeling refreshed for the first time in a while. she slept dreamlessly, but she didn't have any night terrors either. it was calm, and so was she. she got out of bed and went to brush her teeth and wash her face. although she had a lot of sleep debt to make up for, her face looked much better—it was healthier, brighter.

she walked to the kitchen, fixing herself a glass of water, admiring the tranquility of the whole scene. the sunlight was slowly creeping through the window above the sink and warming up the room. the dust particles in the sunbeams floated through the air, and ellie took in the sight with a smile.

"stop worrying bout everything, it's in your best interest not to."

ellie placed her glass on the counter and put on her ratty shoes. the house was quiet; everybody else was sleeping. she went outside, basking in the soothing atmosphere. she began to make her way down the sidewalk, her footsteps feeling much lighter than they have been.

she skipped over the train tracks, bringing up a cloud of dirt that dusted her used-to-be white converse. she didn't mind, of course, for they hadn't been white in quite some time.

"ponyboy!" she tapped on his window gently, and neither he nor soda stirred or turned. she walked around to the front of the house and went inside, gently shutting the door behind her.

careful not to wake up sodapop, she went to ponyboy's side of the bed and nudged him gently. his eyes fluttered open, and his face bore an irritated look.

"what do ya want?"

"c'mon, get up, it's real nice outside. don't waste your morning," ellie smiled, fidgeting with a few strands of her hair.

"no, not everyone is like you. some people actually enjoy gettin' enough sleep. go home, echo," pony groaned, rolling over and covering his face with the blanket.

"but i walked all the way here. and i did sleep last night. c'mon, pone." she moved the blanket from over his face. "please? two would probably kill me if he found out i went to the lake alone without him or anyone else knowin', especially at this hour."

not that she really needed someone to join her, she snuck out alone all the time.

"well i know now, so you can go. buh-bye."

"don't be like that, pony. i always go places with ya when you ask me."

he rolled his eyes and threw the blanket off himself, getting out of bed begrudgingly.

"that's more like it," ellie laughed.

"what is up with you two and wakin' me up unnecessarily early all the time? i'm pretty sure it's sunday, which is not a school day last i checked," soda mumbled from his spot on the bed, his eyes still closed.

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