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"i hate socs," rose announced, brushing her wispy hair out of her face

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"i hate socs," rose announced, brushing her wispy hair out of her face. she'd recently gotten a haircut that suited her; she looked less sophisticated, more worry free.

"oh," melissa said, without even turning to look at the young girl. she couldn't be bothered to. "why's that?" she asked uninterestedly.

"cause you're one. why else?"

ellie, who was sitting next to rose on her bed, laughed. "maybe cause socs ain't very nice to greasers most of the time. melly is one of the sweetest ones, why is it that she happens to be the reason you don't like them?"

"she thinks i'm stupid. at least i know how to spell torture," rose said, grabbing a loose sheet of paper from her desk, along with a pencil.

ellie tilted her head curiously. "what's that supposed to mean?"

"hey," melissa said hastily, "that was one time. you best hush up before i tell your parents what you go around sayin'," she threatened.

rose smiled cockily. "everything i say around you, i've said to them first. i tell libby more secretive stuff."

"you do?" ellie asked.

"tracks," rose sighed.

"tracks," ellie repeated softly, her voice uneasy. the thought alone was enough to make her skin crawl.

"tracks?" melissa looked between the two girls, who seemed to be hiding something. "what, did ponyboy chase you guys around the track during one of his practices or somethin'? cause that is pretty traumatic."

"no," ellie said, "don't worry about it.

"okay, everyone shh, cause i gotta think." rose silently sat on her bed, crosslegged, her elbows propped on her knees as she stared at the blank page.

ellie and melissa too sat silently, and quite awkwardly at that. the young girl seemed to be lost in thought.

something ellie could all too often relate to.

however, she never asked anybody else to quiet themselves so she could process her thoughts more clearly. growing up around the gang, loud volumes were a given. over the years, she'd learn to use everything as white noise.

"individuality." rose said after a long moment of silence. she wrote it along the header.

"huh?" melissa asked. "can you even spell that?"

ellie leaned over and read the title of the fresh page. "she can, actually. you should start supportin' the youth, melly. stop bringin' rose down—or, stop tryin' to."

"i really don't care about what melissa has to say when it comes to my capabilities," rose admitted, scrawling words down along the lined paper.

melissa's eyebrows furrowed and she made an expression of mock offense. "well, that's rude. i'm just callin' it how it is."

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