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elizabeth awoke to the sound of the telephone ringing

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elizabeth awoke to the sound of the telephone ringing. she groaned and got up from bed, stretching. she trudged to the living room and picked up.


a familiar voice came from the other side of the line, speaking in a singsong manner. "guess who just got back from california," elizabeth immediately started smiling ear to ear.

"melissa, is that you?? golly, how've you been? talk about a wake up call."

"i'm great, aside from the fact that my parents decided to invite their friends over for a get together. it makes no sense, who the hell does that the day they get back from vacation? they must've taken some sort of anti-jet lag vaccine or somethin'," the words spilled out of melissa's mouth, and elizabeth took in every single one. "so, i'm just here in my room, avoiding their boring talk about their businesses and companies and all that jazz."

"sounds... exerting. both physically and mentally," elizabeth laughed. "wanna meet up at the lake in about an hour?"

"sure, sounds good to me. love you ellie, see you soon." melissa made a kissing sound into the phone and hung up before elizabeth had a chance to even respond. she just smiled and shook her head, used to her friend's overexcited behavior.

after brushing her teeth, showering, and braiding her hair, she put on a pair of jeans and one of two-bit's old mickey mouse sweaters. she put her notebook in her small backpack and threw it around her shoulders, starting the walk to the lake where melissa was probably already waiting.

hearing elizabeth's footsteps, melissa turned around from the tire swing she was sitting on, jumping up and running into elizabeth's arms.

"oh my god, ellie, i've missed you!" she pulled back from the hug, her smile radiating pure happiness. "the two months that i was gone felt like two years."

elizabeth's smile wavered. in the months that her best friend was gone, so much had changed. she had changed.

and it was never for herself.

it was to conform to what everybody else believed was correct. she was always trying to be someone that wasn't her, and her mindset was that she could be what was expected of her; her feelings didn't matter because as long as she was able to finally make something of herself, she would finally be allowed to be happy.

she would be able to take the reins of her life once she figured herself out.

elizabeth knew that wasn't happening soon, but she was willing to wait. she smiled back at melissa, with no intention of telling her how she felt about everything. she didn't want to ruin her day.

"it really did melly, you suck for leavin' me for so long," she joked, "i was forced to hang out with the likes of ponyboy and two-bit."

melissa tucked a strand of hair away from her face. "aw, c'mon, ellie, they aren't that bad. be glad you don't have to deal with my sister. she's so bossy and rubs it in my face about bein' able to do more just cause she's older." elizabeth gave her a face. "okay fine, that may not be as bad as what you got." she cleared her throat awkwardly, "so, uh, anythin' interesting happen while i was gone? she sat down, pulling at the grass and ripping them apart.

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