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in another universe, elizabeth mathews had a little sister, one who was insightful and didn't judge people

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in another universe, elizabeth mathews had a little sister, one who was insightful and didn't judge people. she would be so sweet to everybody and would be ellie's favorite person in the world.

we're not in that universe.

here, the closest thing ellie had to that was rose golding.

the younger girl was being walked to school by ellie, and boy was she energetic, a harsh contrast to the older girl who was struggling to maintain a proper sleep schedule.

"libby, what are your opinions about school and how we're separated by age?" rose asked, skipping alongside ellie.

"um. its... something. i dunno," she shrugged, "i've got a friend—ponyboy—he skipped a grade so he's in classes with older kids. he's real smart."

"'ponyboy?' ain't that a cool name. how old is he?"

"not much older than you, he turned twelve less than a month ago."

rose looked up at ellie. "so, does that mean i could skip a grade? i wanna go to junior high already," she hopped over a crack in the sidewalk. "all my classmates are stupid, they only hang out with people the same as them. in junior high, i won't be stuck with the same people all day."

"so... you don't like them?"

"oh, i do. they're my friends. most of 'em, anyway. i get teased by some girls cause i don't have proper manners or whatever. but it's okay. like i said the other day, you're not gonna like everyone." she bit her thumb nail, deep in thought. "you can have friends that are stupid, y'know."

"oh, i know, believe me. i know better than you'd think," ellie said tiredly.

"didn't ya say the animal kid—horse—whatever his name is, is smart?"

"he's smart... book smart, at least. i was referencin' my other friends, though. i think all of my friends are smart, just in different ways. and they're also very, very stupid."

rose laughed, "well, that ain't very nice, is it?"

ellie shook her head. "no, you're right, it isn't. but most of them aren't, either, so it cancels out," she grinned. "why're you friends with your classmates if you don't like 'em, rose?"

"my mom said i gotta make friends while i'm young so i don't end up alone when i'm old. if i wait, i'll see who sticks with me and who don't, it's better than startin' over when i'm all wrinkly."

"how old are we talkin'? cause you don't get wrinkly at, say, the age of twenty."

rose looked at ellie, her eyebrows raised. "well, clearly, you haven't seen my dad. every picture i've seen of him, he's got creases all over his face, no matter how far back the photo dates to."

"i don't think he'd appreciate you talkin' bout him like this, little missy."

rose raised her hands as if to say she's innocent. "hey, he told me never to lie. and even if i did, you can't hide the truth. it'll come out eventually." the two girls walked in silence for a moment. "it's like he's looked old his whole life, it's astonishing," she said quietly.

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