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elizabeth mathews was a rule abiding girl

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elizabeth mathews was a rule abiding girl. she stayed out of trouble and kept quiet. or maybe that wasn't the case anymore.

she blamed the shepards. they enticed her with excitement.

she crept her way through the hallway of her small home, dreading waking up her brother. who knows how long he'd been home, or asleep. who knows whether he was waiting for her to get home so he could scold her.

who knows.

the door to two-bit's bedroom was ajar, and ellie could feel her heart sinking to her stomach, lower and lower by the second. she walked up to the door and slowly pushed it further open, prompting a long, taunting squeak from it.

drawing a sharp breath in, ellie squeezed through the small gap between the doorway and the door that she created for herself.

there he was, sprawled out across his bed, still dressed and everything. it was odd. the usual beer bottles weren't scattered around his room, but instead, his ashtray was full and his lighter lay beside him.

ellie walked up to the sleeping figure and shook his shoulder gently. "two-bit? two?" she shook his shoulder a little harder. "c'mon, two, wake up."

two-bit groaned and rolled over. "what do ya want, elle? leave me alone."

ellie's eyes softened and she pursed her lips together. "two-bit, ya gotta get up. tim shepard wants to talk to you. i wouldn't keep him waitin', with the state he's in. he ain't too happy."

his eyes opened slowly and he looked at his sister. he shot up and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a bear hug. "jesus christ, ellie! where've ya been? i was worried sick about you—wait, what time is it?"

ellie winced. "one a.m.... sorry to wake you, but tim's on our front porch as we speak. he told me to come get you."

two-bit's face grew stern. "one a.m.? as in, 'one in the morning?' ellie, what the hell are you doin' out at one a.m.? you ain't hurt, are you?" he grabbed her face and started scanning for any injuries. he sighed once he realized she was completely okay. "what the hell's wrong with you, ellie, what if something happened?"

"you don't even know where i was," she retorted.

"okay, then spill it. where were you, and why the hell is tim shepard looking for me at one in the morning?" two-bit demanded, a mix of concern and irritation in his voice.

ellie hesitated for a moment, choosing her words carefully. "i was with curly and angela shepard. tim caught us messing around."

two-bit's eyes widened in a mix of surprise and frustration. "curly and angela shepard? ellie, do you know how dangerous it is out there, especially at night? what were you thinking?"

ellie sighed, her gaze dropping to the floor. "i wasn't thinkin'. curly and angela wanted to do somethin' fun, and i went along. it's not an excuse, but that's what happened."

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