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the bell above the door jingled softly as ferris williams walked into the crafty shop, the scent of various scented candles and handmade soaps greeting him

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the bell above the door jingled softly as ferris williams walked into the crafty shop, the scent of various scented candles and handmade soaps greeting him. he took in the cozy atmosphere, appreciating the delicate arrangement of stationary and the vibrant colors of handmade trinkets.

as ferris meandered through the aisles, his mind lingered on thoughts of ellie. the puddles on the sidewalk brought a smile to his face, a silent reminder of the tranquility of her facial expression from the previous night's drizzle. despite his brother's complaints, ferris relished the idea of spending more time in town, exploring the little nuances that made it unique.

his attention was drawn to a display of succulents at the back of the store. ferris, usually quiet and observant, found himself captivated by the tiny potted plants. he delicately picked up a small cactus, its spines drawing his attention. a subtle idea formed in his mind-a gift, a small token to brighten someone's day.

the decision to purchase it seemed almost instinctive, as if the thorny plant held a significance beyond its green exterior. ferris quietly contemplated the small, prickly gift, an unspoken gesture with a recipient in mind-ellie.

with the cactus in hand, ferris made his way to the checkout. the shopkeeper, a friendly woman with a warm smile, noticed the small plant and chuckled.

"someone special in mind for this little guy?" she asked, scanning the tiny pot.

ferris, usually reserved, hesitated before offering a shy smile. "yeah, someone special."

the shopkeeper nodded knowingly, packaging the cactus with care. "well, i'm sure they'll appreciate the thoughtful gesture. enjoy your day!"

ferris left the shop, the bell chiming softly behind him. the small cactus cradled in his hands carried a silent sentiment, a symbol of quiet affection for ellie. as he continued to explore the midtown area, the thought of surprising her with the tiny succulent brought a subtle warmth to ferris' usually composed demeanor.

ferris continued his leisurely stroll through the midtown area, his thoughts still lingering on the small cactus in his hands. lost in contemplation, he rounded a corner, not realizing he was on a collision course with someone walking in the opposite direction.
the impact was gentle but enough to jolt both parties out of their thoughts. ferris instinctively steadied himself, his gaze meeting ellie's.

ferris, still recovering from the unexpected encounter, looked down and met ellie's gaze. a hint of surprise flickered in his eyes, but he managed a sheepish smile. "ellie, i haven't seen you around lately."

ellie, just having completed her punishment and no longer grounded, looked up in surprise as she collided with ferris. her eyes widened momentarily before a small smile played on her lips. "what, have you been lookin' for me or something?"

a slight blush rose to ferris' cheeks as he stammered, "yea-well, no, i mean, i just noticed i hadn't seen you except for school and i couldn't help but be-never mind. uh, how are you?"

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