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the workload was starting to get heavy as teachers began cracking down in terms of the preparation for midterms

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the workload was starting to get heavy as teachers began cracking down in terms of the preparation for midterms. after all, it was a major part of the semester grade.

so, naturally, ellie was expected to study and score well on these tests by her family and friends.

she sat at the dining room table in the curtis house. the television was turned up loud, and nobody really seemed to care about the upcoming exams as much as she did.

for a fleeting moment, ellie's gaze drifted away from the sea of homework on the table, fixated on the television screen across the room. on the screen, an animated character danced across the screen, making ellie marvel at the intricate movements and vibrant colors. despite the urgency of her homework hanging over her head like a sword of damocles, ellie found herself transported into a different world. her stress and worries seemed to fade into the background, just white noise to her brain.

"elle, it don't look like you're studying."

ellie snapped her attention away from the television only to meet the cold eyes of darry curtis.

he raised an eyebrow, putting his hand on the back of her chair. "ya think you could try to focus a little more?"

"i'm tryin', darry. why am i the only one bein' asked to study, anyhow? it's not like i'm the only one still in school." she looked back down at her textbooks. "but if they keep horsin' around, i will be," she mumbled.

darry cracked a grin at the joke uttered under her breath. "yeah, but your brother asked me to make sure you get your work done while he's out. he wants you to do well." he looked at his brothers in the living room, "i don't think they'd listen to me if i told 'em to study anyway."

pony would, but we all know he's such a smartass that he don't need to study.

"watch your mouth, elizabeth," darry said, tapping the top of her head with a rolled up newspaper.

ellie scowled at him as he walked away. she noticed how everybody else seemed so joyful, without a care in the world. but here she was, her brain working overtime.

they weren't helping, either. they never knew how to shut up.

with a huff, ellie gathered her things and migrated to soda and ponyboy's room. surely, she'd have more peace and quiet there.

making herself comfortable at their desk, she began to read line after line, that is, until she realized she was steadily rereading the same one, over and over again.

"maybe i just need a lil break," she mumbled to herself. she looked over the items scattered about the small table, smiling fondly at the pictures hung above it.

that ornery horse.

she recalled the day a puffy-eyed ponyboy told her about how sodapop had bawled the entire night prior because mickey mouse got sold.

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