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may 6th, 1961

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may 6th, 1961.

the summer sun hung lazily in the sky, casting a golden glow over the vast field where tall grasses swayed in a gentle breeze. the air was filled with the soothing symphony of nature—the rustle of leaves, the distant murmur of a creek, and the soft cooing of mourning doves that danced through the warm afternoon air.

ellie lay sprawled in a patch of tall, overgrown grass, her fingers idly running through the blades as she gazed up at the endless blue sky. the world felt suspended in time, and the air was thick with the heady scent of summer—a fragrance that lingered in the memory like a cherished melody.

sodapop, with his carefree spirit and infectious laughter, reclined beside her. his eyes mirrored the vivid shade of the sky, and a perpetual grin played on his lips. the two friends basked in the simplicity of the moment, surrounded by the vast expanse of nature that seemed to cradle their shared solitude.

the mourning doves cooed in the distance, their melodic calls intertwining with the rustling leaves. ellie turned her head to look at soda, her eyes reflecting a depth that only summers past could unveil. in that serene setting, she felt a familiar comfort, an unspoken understanding that bound them beyond the surface of friendship. she directed her eyes back to the sky.

"soda," she began, the softness of her voice harmonizing with the gentle backdrop of nature, "do you ever wonder what life's gonna be like when we're not kids anymore? when summer doesn't stretch out forever, and we can't just lay in the grass like this?"

soda tilted his head, his eyes searching the sky as if seeking answers among the clouds. "yeah, sometimes. but lizzie, i reckon we'll find our way. we'll keep the best parts of being kids, hold onto them even when we gotta face the tough stuff. like socs."

ellie sighed, her fingers still tracing patterns in the grass. "it just feels like everything's changing, you know? and i'm scared I'll lose the good parts, the things that make me feel alive."

sodapop turned his gaze back to ellie, his expression tender. "you won't, lizzie. we'll always have moments like this, no matter what comes our way. life might throw curveballs, but we'll catch 'em together."

"well," ellie began, "i know we'll always be there for each other and stuff, but the idea of growin' up... it's hard to think about. that someday, i'll be in my mama's place."

sodapop laughed. "or seein' you with a boyfriend or a husband. now that would be a sight to see. sometimes i wish we could just stay like this forever—just you, me, and the open sky."

ellie's heart swelled with affection for her friend, the bond between them growing stronger with each passing moment. "me too," she said, her voice barely more than a whisper. "but i guess we've gotta face the real world eventually, right?" ellie paused for a bit, her mind considering what her life ahead held for her. "do you think we'll still be as close when that time comes?"

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