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two-bit wasn't the emotional type

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two-bit wasn't the emotional type. he never cried, and people found it hard to talk to him about feelings and things like that. even his own sister. but the exterior of a person is often deceiving.

he too felt emotions. it's not like he was brain dead and oblivious to everything around him.

what most others failed to realize, is that the drinking and jokes was just a way to drown out the feelings of despair. his drunken humorous remarks made any sincerity he attempted to present seem insincere.

to everyone else, it's as if he was in his own world even though he was completely present.

"echo? elle?" he stood in the doorway of his sister's room, who was fast asleep. he cracked a grin to himself and pulled a chair up to her bed. how would he wake her today? decisions, decisions.

or perhaps.

he slowly walked towards the desk, his eyes scanning its many contents one by one. his hands gently brushed over the sturdy wooden frame, taking in the years of stories held within its edges. taking a seat in her worn chair, he began flipping through the many records scattered about the desk. each piece a testament to the countless hours of hard work and dedication she had put into her craft.

the photos on the wall were a mix of her personal life and work. the tiny canvases, each adorned with a masterfully crafted painting, were just as impressive. despite their small size, each was a true masterpiece. every inch of the desk, even the walls surrounding it, was a treasure trove of all her hard-earned accomplishments.

although two-bit rarely showed it, he was proud of his younger sister. she'd make it someday, going further than he could ever dream to go.

he picked up a small painting of what appeared to be their house, with an assortment of flowers surrounding it. he smiled to himself before walking up to ellie and yanking her blanket from her, prompting her eyes to shoot open.

"c'mon, ellie, we gotta go," two-bit said as he walked out of her room, taking her blanket with him.

feeling a sense of unease settling in her chest, ellie pushed herself out of bed, her limbs heavy from the effects of a restless night. with a groan, she sat up, scanning the room for any sign of the culprit that had disturbed her sleep. goosebumps rose on her skin, as if in response to her sudden movement, reminding her of the cold chill that had crept through her window.

quickly getting ready for the day, she wrapped herself in layers of clothing to guard against the chill. She pulled on a thick, warm sweater and added gloves to protect her skin from the cold, bitter winds that had begun to sweep across the streets of tulsa.

as she stepped outside, she was greeted by the cold air, sending a shiver down her spine. her heart raced as she spotted her brother's car waiting on the side of the road. she hurried towards it, wanting to make it before the cold froze her to the bone. the morning fog enveloped her in a blanket of soft white, like a silent promise that the day would be filled with wonder.

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