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never again would elizabeth mathews attempt to search her mind for answers regarding her purpose in life

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never again would elizabeth mathews attempt to search her mind for answers regarding her purpose in life.

when she woke up, she was utterly confused about where she was, but it clicked. she was in darry's room, but he was nowhere to be found. she looked at the clock, which read 2:17 am. the sheer panic and distress that elizabeth never thought she would be able to conceptualize (even though it was subconsciously), was echoing in her ears.

she had chills shooting throughout her body, but no amount of warmth could extinguish these ice cold flames. she ran her fingers through her hair and tried to stop shaking. after steadying herself slightly, she wrapped a blanket around herself and made her way to the dark living room, where darry was fast asleep on the couch.

she shook his arm gently. "darry?" her voice was still raspy from sleep.

he woke up quickly, concern written all over his face. he rubbed his eyes and sat up. "what is it, ellie? is something wrong?"

elizabeth looked down and licked her lips nervously. "no, um, i just wanted to give you your room back. i can sleep on the couch." she looked up at him and saw that he had more solicitude etched onto his features than before.

"and what else?" he crossed his arms, but not in an intimidating manner. "did something happen? you look, well, upset. y'know you can talk to me, right?" his voice was uncharacteristically soft, this affable change was quite refreshing.

she shook her head. "i don't wanna bug you, darry. i'm okay."

darry could tell something was off, but he said nothing. he grabbed her by the hand and escorted her to the couch, and asked her to sit. he turned on the lamp and they sat in silence for a while, but it was no longer a tense silence. rather, it was a sort of comfortable quiet that elizabeth wanted to preserve, as it provided much needed alleviation. but darry broke the silence again, "what happened, ellie?" his words seemed carefully chosen, as if he was walking on eggshells.

she looked back down and played with the ends of the blanket. she couldn't seem to muster a response for the longest time, almost like she was afraid to speak a single word. she glanced at darry and saw his face, his eyes full of worry.

"you can tell me whatever you want. if you don't wanna talk about it, i understand. but just know that i'm here to listen."

she could feel her throat go dry. "it's stupid," elizabeth whispered. "just a dream, but it freaked me out. i keep having these weird, vivid dreams..." she paused and looked up at him. "it was... confusing." her voice was soft and nervous. "i dunno, it's stupid," she repeated, trying to shrug it off.

she looked down again and wrapped the blanket more closely around herself. she could feel her cheeks get warm but also felt the goose bumps on her arms from the chills. her chest tightened, as if something were slowly closing in on her, but she didn't know what exactly.

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