Chapter Two: The Silver Gate

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I hope you like it and I'm sorry tht there isn't much fantasy yet but it comes later.

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I woke up slowly and rubbed my hands on the soft bed. Soft bed. My bed isn’t soft, don’t tell me I fell asleep on my mother’s bed again, she will kill me.  

My eyes snapped open and I sat up with a start. I looked around the room all tiredness fading.

This isn’t my mum’s room, where am I? I have never seen this place before. I suddenly remembered the car ride and sleeping pills. Where was Henry?

The room I was in looked like a bedroom. Whoever had designed this room liked the colour black and red because all the walls and cupboards where painted that way. There was a large window on the wall with curtains drawn across it.

I jumped out of bed and started to run to the window but I got stopped by something constricting my waist. I looked down and the first thing I noticed was that I was still wearing the blue dress. The dress was crumpled and a little dirty but other than that it still looked new.

I put my hands on my stomach to find something hard wrapped around my lower waist and back. I lifted my dress and I realised that I they were bandages. Someone must've treated my cuts.

That must mean that we'd arrived at the school. Ignoring my constricted body I ran the rest of the way to the curtains and ripped them open.

Sun shone brightly and I lifted a hand to cover my eyes. Looking out of the window I saw a large square courtyard surrounded by buildings. The courtyard was covered in the greenest grass I had ever seen and the buildings surrounding it looked ornate and old.

I couldn’t see anybody at all but by the looks of the sun it was only dawn. There were trees sprinkled around the place but there was one very large oak tree in the centre of the whole complex. It was in the dead centre, the buildings looked like they had been built purposely around it.

 The tree looked very old and beautiful. It branches reached out and its green leaves sparkled in the morning sun. I wanted to have a closer look.

My hair was messy so I fumbled around the room trying to find a brush. My suitcase had been brought up to the room but there was nothing in it. Trust my parents to pack me anything. Luckily I found everything I would need to stay here in one of the cupboards. Toiletries, bed covers, even some books. I held one of the books to my body like it was an angel from heaven. I would have started reading it right here right now but I really wanted to explore.

I fixed myself up so that I was presentable and I stuck my head out the door.

There was a long corridor that stretched along the whole building. A rug ran along the floor from one end to the other.

I stepped out into the corridor and stood there for a bit deciding on which way to go.

I eventually turned right and started quietly making my way down the corridor. I tried to make my steps as light as possible so as not to make a sound. I could see wooden doors on both sides of the hall but I had a feeling that they were all bedrooms, so I didn’t open them.

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