Chapter Twenty-Two: Old games

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 Chapter Twenty Two

Six groups were left, and I was starting to get the hang of it.

“This is a lot colder than I thought,” Taylor said, pulling his jacket tighter around himself.

“You’re just lucky you’ve got a jacket,” Pip hissed, rubbing her arms vigorously to keep warm.

Our footsteps echoed on the stone floor of the dim lit corridors that guided us. We were nearing the heart of the pyramid.

“This place gives me the creeps.” Grace said as she moved closer towards me.

“Tell me about it, can you imagine 3000 year old bodies mummified in here,” Aiden said. I stopped for a second, stretching a stitch in my side. Pip and Aiden waited for me. Suddenly the sound of stone scrapping against stone rang into my ears. A giant slab of rock slid down between us three and the rest of the group.

“What the-” Pip started before the ground beneath us slid off to an angle. None of us were prepared so we fell with it towards the wall on the right. When we were just about to crash into the wall it disappeared, leaving us to fall into a black gaping hole.


I fell on a pile of something soft and fluffy but I couldn’t see what it was. It was dark but not completely, the faint silhouettes of Pip and Aiden who had fallen a few metres away from me came into sight.

“-Hell.” Pip finally finished.

Slowly I stood up, my legs found it hard to balance on whatever thing I had landed on.

“Pillows?” Aiden said, and I looked at him quizzically before I realised what he was talking about. He was right; the soft things that we had fallen on were in fact layers and layers of pillows.

Scanning the rest of the area I noticed we were in a stone room. It wasn’t very big but I couldn’t see any doors or windows. I looked up to be faced by a black ceiling; there was no sign of the passage we has come through. I did have one question though, if there was no windows and no lights then how could I see?

“Ouch. Stupid twins, I’m going to kill them when we get out of here,” Pip muttered.

“Shut up, we do not want to get them angry,” Aiden told her.

“Can they see us?” I asked.

“Duh, yes. How would they be able to control the game otherwise?” Pip said.

“Hey guys, nice of you to drop by,” Two people said in unison from the corner of the room. All three of us turned to see Miffy and Clair casually leaning up against the wall. I smiled, laughing quietly even though it had been a really bad joke.

“Hey.” I said. “Um, how long have you been here for?”

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