Chapter Thirty-Six: Part 1

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Just to explain to you what I'm doing I've cut this chapter into three parts and I'll be posting them all now. The only reason I've done this is because it fits better and makes more sense. Thanks!


Chapter Thirty-Six

My head throbbed painfully as the oxygen was sucked out of me. The vines seemed to be crushing my bones, squeezing the life out of me as my impending doom loomed closer as we were edged towards the earthquake crack.

‘Ranger, use your power,’ Sasha wheezed, she lay exhausted from all the shifting.

‘Can’t,’ I puffed and shoved with all my might at the vine encircling me but it was no use. The edge of the cracked was right before us and we all began to panic for real.

‘Stop,’ Pip tried to shout.

A figure appeared amongst the Eximius students and I recognised her instantly. Claire was enraged; her face was blotchy red as she gave out a cry in anger. She raised a fist in the air as she stepped onto the courtyard and instantly one of the students flew back, smashing into the building in a cut off scream. As Claire threw her arm to the side another student was pushed away, following her friend into unconsciousness.

Claire’s eyes were ablaze, a rich golden light illuminating behind her dead set eyes. She wanted revenge, and those students were right in her way. Her power was the one of telekinesis and I could tell that it had manifested with her emotions; she was angry and pissed the hell off.

‘Watch out,’ I managed to shout as a vine began to snake across the ground towards Claire’s foot.

She barely reacted and with just a flick of her wrist the vine was ripped from the ground, roots and all, and thrown down into the crack. The Eximius students realized that she was an enemy so the gem boy and the girl who could multiply herself ran towards Claire, surrounding her in an instant. Claire was instantly smothered beneath a mass of their bodies, the students devouring her in a storm of punches and kicks.

A pulse of power exploded in a bright light causing the “two” students the fly, thrown hundreds of metres into the air and out of the courtyard. One by one the multiples disappeared, leaving only two kids to sore into the air and out of sight in less then a blink of an eye.

Claire stood slowly, her breathing laboured as she clenched and unclenched her fists. Her hair had fizzed out, and her clothes were swaying around her, as if she was suspended in water. The Eximius students began to back up as fear filtering their faces. Claire looked between them, singling two of them out.

The boy who could control vines was scrambling back into the open windowed classroom when Claire caught him. She dragged the boy back, across the grass and leaving a rugged path from his fingers that tried to dig into the earth. Claire lifted him into the air, paralysing his body as she pressed him against the building. The boy’s eyes were wide and frightful but Claire did not do anything else to him, instead her attention was pulled to another.

The girl was cowering behind a fallen tree, her body shaking as she tried to stay hidden. Claire easily pushed the log backwards, taking the girl with it until both were pinned against a wall. Unable to escape the girl instead tried to scream but Claire made a slight motion with her finger, forcing the girls lips to clamp down. It was the girl who could read minds.

‘You killed her,’ Claire spoke gruffly, her voice letting slip how week and tired she felt.

The girl began to shake her head madly as she tried with all her might to push the log off. Claire moved ever closer.

‘She was innocent and you killed her right in front of me,’ Claire continued but let a moment of weakness enable the Eximius girl to open her mouth.

‘I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,’ the girl begged and I could see the tears slipping easily down her face. It was scary to see how she’d changed; once from the strong and powerful person who’d easily put us all of guard with her power of control, to now, where she lay in a blubbering mess in the face of death.

‘You knew what you were doing,’ Claire lifted up a dirty hand and swiftly moved the log to the side. Instantly the girl tried to crawl away but Claire easily got a hold on her. Holding the girl in an invisible grip Claire lifted her up, just so her toes skimmed the grass and pulled her forward. When the girl was a metre away she halted, her hand now up as if she was about to strangle the girl.

‘I now about your past,’ the girl tried to waste time. She was now closing her eyes, gasping for air as she scrambled to push away invisible hand around her throat. ‘You were lost once….and your uncle died….you had a puppy but your sister was so jealous…and one day the gate was left open and he escaped….you’ve always blamed your sister,’ she wheezed.

‘I will not fall for your tricks,’ Claire’s grip grew tighter and the girls face went purple.

‘Please don’t,’ the girl opened her eyes and tried to look at Claire but instantly regretted so. Claire was an animal, focused on a raw emotion that ran through her veins and propelled her to ease the pain. ‘I know…’ the girl tried her powers again. ‘I know you loved your sister deeply….and I’m sorry. I wish I’d never done it. I’m so sorry.’

For a second I thought Claire was going to falter, her grip loosened slightly and gave the girl hope that her words had done well. But then the girl smiled, knowing she was not going to die, and when Claire saw that she instantly changed her mind.

‘Not good enough,’ she flicked her wrist and the girl’s head snapped. The girl fell to the floor with a dull thud, her eyes starring into the distance and her mouth still turned up in that slight smile.

Someone screamed. Claire fell to her knees, looking at her hands with captivated horror as she screamed her lungs out. She was crying. She was screaming. And as she looked up at the darkened sky with the dead girl in front of her she screamed out Miffy’s name.

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