Chapter Three: The Rules of the Academy

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Sorry about his one it's short but I'll upload two at the same time.

For some reason I couldn't do them together so I had to cut it at some point.

Hope you like it anyway.

Vote comment, please


 Chapter three

The boy pulled me roughly behind him, I tried to stay close to him so my wrist wouldn’t hurt but he was strong for his size and I was constantly pushed around. We were silent except for the occasional grunts of dislike from me.

He led me through the forest and into the school building. It was a different building from the one I had come out of but they looked alike.

We were walking for a long time and I had  given up trying to memorise where we went. Every corridor looked alike and I wondered how the red haired boy  could find his way around so easily.

We finally stopped in front of a small wooden door painted purple. There was a little plaque stuck to the door. I leaned in to see what it said. In swirly purple writing it said ‘headmistress’s office’ underneath that it said ‘Ms Lovejoy’.

I looked over at the boy. He had pulled a small silver key out of his pocket; he reached down to the handcuffs. As soon as the handcuffs were unlocked I ripped them off my wrist and they tumbled to the floor with a loud clang.

He bent down to pick them up. When he stood up I looked at him expectantly.

“What?” he asked angry.

“What do I do now?” I asked obviously.

“You reach up...” he lifted his hand to the door, he said it like I was a child and the answer was obvious “...And you knock,” he motioned a knock with his hand.

I glared at him and gave him the finger. I learnt a lot of rude things from my parents.

I reached up to knock on the purple door but before my hand touched the wood the door flew open and I was left stunned with my hand raised. I turned to the boy but he'd gone. I hadn’t heard him leave. But I forgot all about the boy when a lovely soft female voice called out to me.

“Come in, Ranger,” how did she know who I was. Wait, my parents would have had to have told her.  The voice was coming from inside the room, so I tentively stepped inside.

The first thing I noticed about the room was that it was purple. Everything was purple. Purple walls, purple floor, purple paintings, purple everything.

I looked up to see a middle aged lady just about to sit behind a purple desk. If I hadn’t known that there was someone in here I might've mistaken her as part of the room. She had purple clothes on, she had purple hair and she even had purple make up. She must love the colour purple.

I tried not to show my surprise as I moved towards the desk.

She was a tall woman with long features. She had dark hazel eyes and her hair was tied into a tight bun. She was in a purple pants suit and she looked quite prim and proper.

I awkwardly stood in front of her desk not sure where to sit - if she wanted me to sit at all.

“Sit,” the headmistress, Ms Lovejoy said. Her voice was beautiful; it was like an angel’s. Well, I have never heard an angel’s voice before but if I had to guess I would say that it would sound exactly like Ms Lovejoy’s.

I looked around showing her that there wasn’t anywhere to sit. Ms Lovejoy raised her eyebrows.

“Sit in the chair,” she said motioning next to me. I looked where she was pointing and did a double take. There was a chair right next to me. I didn’t think it was there before; wow I must have missed it. I quickly sat in the chair and I could feel my face heat up in embarrassment. I looked down at the purple carpet on the floor.

“Well, firstly welcome to Vires Academy,” Ms Lovejoy said with a pleasant smile. She threw her hands up and I noticed a large window behind her that spanned the whole wall.  The window looked over the courtyard just like the one in the bedroom.

“Before I say anything do you have any questions that you would like to ask me?” she asked.

I thought about the wall but quickly banished the idea. I have a feeling I wouldn’t get the answer that I was looking for. However, I did have one unimportant question that I wanted to know about.

“What does Vires mean?” I asked her quietly. I heard Ms Lovejoy suck in her breath but it didn’t show in her expression.

“Oh, it’s Latin. It means power.”

Power Academy. What a weird name. Wonder who thought of that. It was probably the school ‘s original founder’s surname.

“You will be staying in the bedroom that you woke up in, until you settle into the school and then we will move you into one of the dorms. One of the students is going to be your guide, they’re going to show you around the school and teach you how things work around here,” she looked over at me to see if I was following what she was saying “For now there are only a few rules that I want you to follow.

 "One: If a student says that they can’t answer a question that you ask, don’t push it. Two: You may hear or see a few weird things around the school but ignore it, the students in this school like to play pranks.Three: No more exploring-” how did she know about that? “-When you are awake you will stay with your guide at all times. Four: Every new student keeps a diary for a week and a half. You will need to write down everything that happens to you and how you are fitting into the school. Five: The students have been split into two main groups. You will be around the ‘clear’ group for your first few weeks. Okay got that? I know it may seem like a lot but it is nothing compared to our normal rules.”

I nodded my head, a little astounded to speak.

“There are two other new students who started a few days ago. You will all be sleeping in the same building along with your chosen guides. Your lessons will start tomorrow to give you a chance to get to know the school. Any questions?” she said to me drumming her fingers repeatedly on the desk.


This part goes right onto the next chapter sorry about that. Thanks to everybody who I usually thank  and Sasha who helped me with my writing block. Thanks for reading.

Liz :)

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