Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Dream

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First of all I'm really really sorry I haven't uploaded in a while but I just went off the story.

In this chapter it gets to the main plot though I'm not quite sure if I should've put this chapter first or had a kinda break chapter to let the excitement settle down BUT because I haven't uploaded for a while I'm going to put this up.

Hope you enjoy it and I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense but I will explain everything in the next chapter.

Thanks for your patience


Chapter 28

I was dreaming.

Something was pulling me foreword, a fine piece of string, a golden piece of string. It was dragging me towards something, to what I had no clue. I was connected to it by my hand and it was as if something was telling me to follow it.

I was walking, slowly steadily, one step in front of the other. I could feel grass beneath my feet, the wet dew running between my toes. The wind circled and glided around me, spinning my hair into the air with energy. Night had fallen, elongated shadows crawling through the rich undergrowth, reaching towards the light that reflected from the half moon.

I was in the small forest within the brick walls surrounding the special part of the school. I was walking beside the brick, my hand running slowly along the vines that encased the wall.

Ahead I could see the gate, the silver metal glinting against the moons light and the mystical vibrations that seemed to throb around it.

The chambers that containing the visitor who passed through the gate were like rows of glowing eggs that shone in the half darkness. In the dim glow I could see the golden string leading into one.

Slowly I stepped towards the chamber; it was coated with frost so I could not see anything inside. With my hands outstretched I touched the cooled material, wiping away the chilly frost that encased its shell.

A face starred out at me, an older girl. Bruises and cuts ran across her face, and her head had been recently unevenly shaved. Her eyes blinked hazily but as soon as they focused on me they seemed to jump, excited by something.

“Help!” The girl screamed, her eyes trying to reach for me. She tried to get out of the chamber but she was trapped and the pod was holding her in.

“Get me out! They’ll find me. They’ll kill me. Please, let me out! I must warn the others.... the others....the others.” She spook madly, as if her brain was confused and she could barely understand what she was saying. Her hazel eyes danced wildly, they were full of pain and shock.

I moved to try to help her but my vision began to shake, it span and shook. I was being pulled away from her, further and further. I reached out to grab the pod but suddenly the chamber disappeared in a cloud of mist that took over the forest and pressed down on me.

That’s when I awoke.

Beads of sweat ran down my forehead, dripping down onto the sheets that had twisted themselves around my body. Taking deep breaths I tried to calm myself down, to relax my anxious body.

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