Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty Five

The tension grew as we ran towards the classrooms; our eyes and ears open to any sound or sight. We passed no other sound.

At the moment when we were racing through some of the math rooms I realised how tired I was. The stress and adrenaline had been pumping through my body for hours and even though the game could trip your sense of time I knew that fatigue would set in as soon as I stopped moving.

‘Which section do you think they will be in,’ Jett paused to ask Blaze the question.

‘I say we go through drama, then languages, and round it to Science. Hopefully that will take us around until we find them,’ Blaze answered methodically.

We ran with every once of energy we could muster, it was hard work but the thought that our friends needed help pulled us further. Sadly it wasn’t until the Science block that we finally found where the twins were being kept. We were carefully when we stepped into the block, keeping to the back halls while we tried to work out which classroom they were in.

I felt an earthquake rattle through the block, causing me to slip to the floor. It was Aiden, it had to be.

‘Come on, their beginning the attack,’ Blaze hauled me to my feet and began to sprint. Jett was already ahead, feeling the vibrations through the floor to work out their origin.

‘This way,’ he skidded around the corner and faced a door. ‘They’re in there,’ he flung open the door and without hesitating launched himself into the room. Blaze and I followed closely but too late we realised our mistake.

The three of us froze in the doorway, starring at the surprised students inside. They had pushed the tables to the back of the room, leaving two chairs which they had placed the twins on, wiring them up into the system. One of the twins was slumped over and not moving while the other was one the crisp of falling unconscious. There were eight Eximius students there, relaxing over the chairs and chatting quietly. Obviously our intrusion had taken them by surprise and they were scrabbling to stand.

I was about to turn tail and run but a huge earthquake took over the room and in an all mighty roar the huge windows on one side shattered, the glass that shot across caused everyone to duck. In less then a second the dorm one kids had jumped through the now open windows, their arms up in preparation.

Sasha had shifted into a tiger, her body leaping into the room with a growl. Taylor was already scaling the ceiling with his hands and feet. Pip was ready to cause an explosion, her eyes racking across the room. They all faltered a little, expecting the enemy to still be siting, not expecting them to be waiting in ready from an attack.

Lucky for Blaze, Jett, and I we were on the right side of the room, making it easy for us to move to our friends.

‘You ruined our surprise,’ Pip hissed as both sides stoped in a stalemate.

‘We know what you want,’ spoke one of the Eximius students bravely spoke up. ‘And I know about each and every one of you. I know that you lost someone special not long ago, and I know that your seeking revenge.’ She was a young girl but I could tell she was more then she looked. Intelligence and wit flickered in her voice, and the way she moved seemed as if she had power over me. I was scared, as I should’ve been, and I knew that what she did next would change the outcome of the fight.

The girl turned to Taylor and smiled slightly, ‘ I know your father was an alcoholic and your mother addicted to drugs. All you had was your older brother to care for you; he was always so nice and kind. But you never knew what he did with his friends, and when you finally pieced it all together you realized what they’d done, but it was too late, he was already dead.’

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