Chapter Thirty-Three: Out

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  • Dedicated to Claire and everyone else who has ever read a single word of my story

I know there are no words that could excuse me for being such a horrible uploader so I'm just going to hope that this extra long chapter will make up for at least some of it. And I can also say that I really want to finish this story so I will be writing heaps. 

There aren't many more chapters left (which is sad but also exciting) and seeing as I've finished most of my exams and tests I hope to finish it before the end of the year.

Anyway I wont keep you waiting any longer.

...So here is my story


Chapter thirty two

So far, so good.

The water had rushed in, throwing our bodies backwards and into the opposing wall. Luckily nobody had been injured and now we were swimming, floating in the water run room. I looked to Pip, who was flipping herself upside down, she gave me a smile and a small wave.

I suddenly realised where I was. Where I actually was. I was underwater, swimming. I had never learnt to swim and the sheer thought of it would've made my skin crawl but with my life so delicately on a line I had not even thought twice about the situation I was about to face. Swimming was like flying, not that I had ever flown before, but this is what I would’ve imagined it to be like. It was so easy to push off the walls, surround yourself in the liquid, and without the fear of drowning it was beautiful. The thought made me happy and proud. I was concurring a fear, and it felt good.

The minutes passed and we silently drifted, all of us waiting for the scene to change. As the time went I could feel the air growing thinner and thinner, my skin beginning to sweat and the oxygen tasting ever more stale on my tongue.

I was about to turn around when someone appeared at the front of the room, they swam in quickly and I noticed how white their face was from lack of oxygen.

‘Blaze!’ My shout was lost in all of the water but it still got his attention. I could see the relief flood through his face when he saw us.

Grace barely hesitated before she pushed herself over to him, pressing a hand to her own bubble and carefully pulling out some of the oxygen and placing the new bubble around his head. Blaze instantly gasped for the air, looking like he was vomiting from the need of it. Patting Grace on the back he gave her a small smile before remembering something.

He mouthed words that could not be heard and it took me a second to work out what he was saying. ‘They’re coming’

Terror crawled up my spine with those words and I locked eyes with Blaze, our only communication was a shake of my head. He waved his hand and swam towards the locked door, trying to open it.

Though he knew it was futile Aiden joined, trying with all his might to prise open the door. Pip and Claire helped and if there were any more room I would’ve been there too. Instead I pushed myself towards the opening where Grace was peering out. There was nothing beyond, the lights had begun flickering out so I could not see very far and the murky darkness enveloped the hall.

A loud shout pulled my attention back to the others in time to see Pip punch a fist in the air. The door had given, a little, but it was a start.

I looked to Grace, seeing her give me a huge smile as she put a thumb up happily. Suddenly a bright light flashed into her side and she flew upwards with so much force that her head hit a protruding pipe with a sickening crunch. Red ink expanded around her injury as her body went limp and began to float lifelessly. Blood, like a halo around her head was creating intricate patterns in the clear water.

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