Chapter Fourteen: Meeting the rest of the Gang

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Hi everyone,

I want to thank my loyal readers and I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in yonks but I need a break. This is a really long one so I hope it kinda makes up for it.

Remember to vote, comment, and maybe fan. Thanks

And also thanks to KaminaStone who helped me with part of this chapter.

P.S I'm sorry that the actual dialogue in my writing is always so spread out but it just happens when I transfer it from word to wattpad and I can't help it. SORRY


Chapter Fourteen

I woke with a start as I felt something move lightly across my leg. I blinked and shook my head. Sitting up I looked around but I couldn’t see anybody else in the room, only the flickering of shadows from the suns light. Slowly I drew my legs to my chest and wrapped my arms around my knees. Closing my eyes I breathed deeply and repeated to myself what I had once heard in a book.

“There’s no such thing as monsters, there’s no such things as monsters”

I know it’s a little childish but at one point in everybody’s life their nights are haunted by vampires and scary monsters.

Laughter erupted from one of the doors leading out of the room. My eyes flashed open and my mouth fell open in surprise.

Suddenly a wet blob of something fell in front of my face and landed on the tip of my nose. I grimaced and wiped it away in disgust, whatever it was I knew it was something I didn’t want on my face. I looked up at the direction it come from and was surprised to see a young boy posed on the ceiling. He was upside down in the lotus position smiling cheekily down at me, his neck bent back.

I frowned in confusion, how did he get up there and how was he staying there?

A voice at the back of my mind suddenly screamed at me, like it was obvious. His power! That’s how he can do that. I must be getting used to the whole super power thing.

“Wow, you're really scared,” I heard a childish voice from behind the couch. I wrenched my eyes away from the strange boy and saw to a small head that popping up behind the couch. I noticed the large deer like eyes of Grace peeking from underneath her long wavy chocolate brown hair.

“What the hell Grace?” I yelled.

“Opps,” Grace said, obviously not sorry for anything. She laughed and pushed away from the lounge, skipping backwards. I looked up once again but was taken aback when I saw that the ceiling was empty, the boy had gone.

“Psst.” Someone whispered in my right ear. I whipped my head to the side and come face-to-face with a small black headed boy. He was smiling wickedly and I realised that it was the same boy that had been on the ceiling.

“It’s always fun tricking the newbie’s. Isn’t it Grace?” The boy said moving back to stand next to Grace.

“Always the best.” She nodded.

A door banged open and we all turned to see Sasha walk in.

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