Chapter thirty-Two: The boat

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Chapter Thirty Two

As soon as the first one was up the blade boy was onto him, throwing blades so fast it was a blur. The student fell to the floor, blood already seeping through his clothes. But instead of staying still he sat back up, a smile lengthening on his lips as he reached forward and plucked the blades that had buried itself within his chest.

‘You picked the wrong guy to kill,’ he said as he stood, brandishing the blades as his own weapon.

I had no time to gasp at the power before something swooped my way. It was a ball of shadow, the darkness like thick tentacles that covered the person. The student knocked me to the side, sending me sprawled into a wall. The student stopped, the shadows retracting until they disappeared beneath the girls clothes.

I pushed my way off the wall, tightening my fists as my mind reeled to find what I should do. I thought of what Henry had taught me, a way to use my power. I looked to the lights right above the girl’s head, swinging silently as if enticing me to use their power.

I stared, using all my concentration to imagine drawing the energy out of the light and angling it towards the girl. But just like last time nothing happened.

The girl cocked her head to the side as I screwed my features up trying to use my power. She laughed, the sound flimsy and hoarse in the tiny room. Slowly she began walking towards me, and at the same time the shadows slithered their way out to wrap around my body. As the ghostly things touched my skin I shivered, they were cold and at the same time brought a claustrophobic vibe to my mind.

They encircle my body and as I began to panic, trying to escape, they clawed onto my skin, which gave me great pain every time I moved. They were unnaturally heavy and as the shadows devoured my body I grunted under the immense pressure. They got to my face, almost delicately claiming their spot on my skin as one small tendril made its way into my mouth. I felt myself succumbing to shadows that seemed to numb my system, and if it wasn’t for the bang I would’ve fallen under.

It rocked the room and a flash of bright light sent the shadows into frenzy. In a second they had gone, sliding back to their master.

This time when I tried to channel my power I closed my eyes, letting random memories pop into my mind in hope that they would help me open the right emotion. And for once it worked.

I was like a bolt of lightning, but more subtle. One of the lights blew and shattered particles of glass everywhere. The girl doubled over as smoke rose from her burnt clothes. The girl’s hair was on end, singed slightly but otherwise the rest of her was intact.

There was just enough light for me to see Pip, pinned to the floor by a boy with a huge rock arm. She screamed as something crunched in her chest, the weight of the rock too much. I began to move towards her but then realised what I had to do.

There was one more light in the room and so closing my eyes I drew on its power, feeling the energy run through my mind I felt enlightened and strong.

The boy was thrown forward as the full force of light shot out towards him. Smacking into the wall he slid to the floor, a trail of blood smearing down. I tried to ignore it, convincing myself it was only caused by a scratch.

‘What have you done?!’ Aiden cried. For a second I thought he was talking to me but then I noticed the amount of water gushing out of a huge gaping hole.

‘You burst the bloody pipe!’ He said to Pip.

‘Well it wasn’t my fault. Ranger threw the boy I was aiming at out of the way,’ Pip snarled angrily.

‘I was saving your life,’ I defended.

‘I was doing perfectly fine on my own,’ Pip hissed.

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