Chapter Twenty: Jump

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10 Votes! congradulations, I'm uploading this chapter. I'm sorry its so short but its better then nothing. More will be coming when I get the chance to type it up.


Chapter Twenty

“Bloody hell Ranger, you said you knew how to get us off the roof without killing ourselves,” Pip cried staring down at the billboard.

“You’re not going to die.” I said, though I was having second thoughts about it myself.

“Oh yeah, so walking across a grungy old billboard is safe?” She said sarcastically, pointing at it.

“It’s safer then jumping.” I said back.

“At least with jumping you won’t have the slow agonising walk before plummeting to our deaths,” Pip yelled.

“It’s secure enough; it’s not going to fall,” I bent down and pushed it with my hand to show her that it was stable, but it had the wrong affect. The billboard groaned under my light push and sank deeper down. I leapt back and looked at it in disapproval; I thought it was going to be nice.

“This is a suicide mission,” Pip looked at the giant billboard in disgust.

“Yeah and staying here isn’t?” I said. I we stayed here the kids would kill us anyway.

“Then you go first,” Pip said crossing her arms, as if to say I dare you too.

“Oh shut up you two, we don’t have time,” Sasha scolded before leaping forward. She leapt to the very edge of the billboard, peering at it carefully. Suddenly she sprang across, lightly placing her feet and soon made it to the other side.

“See it’s easy,” She said, turning and giving a stern look at Pip, who shuffled back a little.

Suddenly a bang sounded from behind us. I twirled around to see the door that lead to the shop buckle, its hinges nearly breaking.

“Well I’m not waiting,” I heard Aiden shout before he sprinted across the billboard, it was the only thing between us and the opposite house.

“Me too,” Jett said before running after Aiden.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Pip yelled before charging across the gap. She closed her eyes so when she got to the other side she tripped over the railing and fell to the floor. She was soon up though, smiling and dancing around at the joy of not falling to her death.

Suddenly the billboard gave a final groan and shifted slightly. I watched as one side gave way, which meant that it fell to the concrete lane below with a loud boom.

Everyone fell silent as we looked down at the broken billboard in dismay.

A loud slam brought us back into action as the door to the shop started bending.

“Grace, get on my back,” Taylor yelled. She soon applied, jumping on his back and hooking her arms and legs around him. He took her weight easily and I was surprised at how strong he was.

Taylor got ready, and then started running towards the giant gap between the houses, Grace holding on for dear life. He jumped and I watched as he flew through the air, Graces eyes scrunched up in fear and Taylors blanked with concentration. They missed the roof by a metre but soon smashed into the wall underneath. Taylor slammed his hands and feet onto the wall, his power making it stick. I saw Grace sigh with relief as Taylor started to climb up.

“What do we do?” I asked Blaze, seeing as we were the only two left.

“We've got to hide,” He answered.

“Go, we’ll catch up,” he yelled across at the others. Sasha nodded her head reluctantly before turning and running towards some stairs.

“We can hide up there,” He pointed up at one of the two remaining billboards. I nodded once; I was already as scared as hell.


We crouched low, flattening our bodies against the billboard. Keeping completely still I tried not to breath in fear of giving our hiding spot away.

They were beneath us, looking around for our group.

Blaze and I had just made it up here when the door had given, letting the specials out.

“There not here,” one of the students spoke.

“I told you this was a waste of time; they may already have the second clue,” another said.

“The less competition the better,” one commented.

I felt the ledge get yanked slightly from beneath me so I grabbed the small railing but that only made it shudder.

“Come on lets go,” the leader of their group called. They all turned to go back down to the shop when the small landing I was lying on fell. It fell away, leaving me to fall towards the ground. I landed clumsily on my feet but luckily didn’t fall over. I saw Blaze land beside me and I slowly stood up to be faced by a group of stunned faces. I moved back slowly glancing at Blaze.

“Run,” he whispered, and I didn’t hesitate.

Turning together we ran towards the side of the roof, somehow our hands found each other and we clasped them tightly.

A shout rang out behind us and a stamp of feet.

“Oh come on that is so unfair. You can’t block us now,” A voice shouted and I smiled thank you twins.

Glancing at Blaze I saw him mouth the word, jump.

We ran across the roof, hand in hand, and took a leap of faith, literally. It happened in a blur but the one thing I remember was the thought that I wasn’t going to make it, it was too far.

I reached my foot forward and was almightily thankful to feel the ground. We just made it, by the tip of our toes and we threw ourselves forward to fall on the hard concrete. Staying still for a second I tried to catch my breath but I was pulled up by my hand that was still gripped to Blaze’s.

“We need to keep going,” He whispered, so we ran again, away from the angry shouts of the other group.

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