Chapter Twelve: Questions and Answers

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Yes that's right I have taken Vires of hold for the time being. I know this isn't very long but I really wanted to post it. It gives you a lot of information so PLEASE tell me if it doesn't make sence. I hope you like it. Vote, comment, Fan :)


Chapter Twelve

I had been walking blindly through the fog for hours but I didn’t feel tired or sore. I didn’t know why, I didn’t know how, I just kept walking,. I didn’t even think to stop, my brain was just on hold as my legs kept going. I couldn’t see anything except the never ending fog but no matter what, I just kept walking. I could barely see my hand in front of me, nor could I see the ground beneath me. I couldn’t think straight and my mind felt like it was playing tricks.

Suddenly I felt a pain on my left arm, so I lifted it up to my face to have a look at it. There were three scratch marks just above my elbow, they were bleeding slightly.

That’s weird, where did they come from?

I looked around but all I could see was the thick fog circling around. I shook my head.

I must be imagining it. I thought bluntly though I couldn’t have been. So I did the thing that I had been doing for the past hour, I kept walking, but that stopped when I walked right into a hard tall object. I fell back, closing my eyes by instinct. I feel towards the floor with flying limbs. Thin hands grabbed my shoulders, saving me from the fall.

I opened my eyes and got a shock when I saw a building only a few metres away. I looked around wildly, all the fog had disappeared and everything seemed so much clearer.

“Where did it all go?” I said quietly to myself.

“What? You mean the fog? I probably should’ve told you about that,” I heard a voice behind me. I turned to see Sasha standing calmly with her arms crossed. My mouth dropped open slightly as my brain tried to puzzle out what was going on.

“It’s another layer of security. As you know I put my necklace in the scanner, the machine realised that it was me but when you walked in through the gate after me it noticed that two people were entering when only one person scanned. For me as soon as I stepped through the gate I came out on the other side right here, nothing weird happened and the fog instantly disappeared but for you it was a little different. The machine not knowing if you were authorized to enter put you into frozen animation. It fumbles your brain so it feels like you keep walking, you don’t know why, you never get tired, you just keep walking. You will keep walking in what you think is the fog forever unless someone pulls you out. That...” She pointed behind me and I turned to see a row of transparent cylinder chambers lined up “Is where you have been for the last minute.”

Sasha walked up the closest chamber and I noticed a small panel full of buttons. She pointed to a big pink one. “I just had to press this and it will open the door to let you out.” I nodded slightly. “I’m sorry about your arm but you wouldn’t come out of your trance so I had to use more persuasive options” She lifted her hand; flashing me her long nails which looked like cat claws.

I looked around at the surroundings and realised that I had been walking blindly behind Sasha without even realising. We were now standing in front of a large brick building that looked familiar. I turned to Sasha in confusion. What was this place?

“There are two main parts of the school. One is the place you have been staying at, and then there is this one.” She indicated the building in front of us. "These buildings here are a replica of the buildings you have been staying at but with a few differences.”

I looked at the door that Sasha was opening. It did look like the exact same as the one we had left from on the other side of the wall.

“Come on we’re late” Sasha said before pushing me through the now open doorway. Sasha turned left and stared walking; I followed like a lost puppy.

“If I’m talking too fast tell me because there is a lot to know,” Sasha said as she walked. I ran to step in time next to her.

“All of the super powers are different but we have categorised them into nine groups depending on your power. That is how each of the dorms is set up. You basically live with whichever group you are assigned. You do still talk and have lessons with other kids, though we've found that the majority of students like to stick with their specialised group. There is rivalry and fighting between the groups but you live here for so long that everyone becomes your second family.”

We walked down corridors and through random rooms that seemed to have no purpose at all. Sasha moved into a room and I followed closely but ran right into her as she stopped and started to back out of the room. I shuffled back awkwardly as Sasha kept pushing back until we were in the hallway. I peered around Sasha into the room. There was a group of kids, all of whom looked hardcore with ripped jeans, backwards caps, pierced lips and noses, a few skateboards and the overall feeling of people you don’t want to mess with. There were eight of them, a mix of girls and boys. They all turned to glare at us and I shrank back from the door.

“Let’s go somewhere else; we don’t want to get in their way,” Sasha said before heading back the way we'd come. I followed not bothering to glance back at the scary group. Sasha kept talking when I'd caught up.

“The groups are elementals, shape shifters, body, mental, animals, decievers, reversers, specials and illusions. Oh and there is also dorm one. Dorm 1 is mixed with one student from each group except for illusions because there are only two people in that. I’m in dorm 1 and so will you be. I’m a shape shifter as you could probably guess. Ms Lovejoy said you were a deceiver and that means that now we have a kid from every group,” Sasha stopped in front of a multicoloured door. I had no idea where we were, I had just been trying to remember everything that she had been saying.

“That’s all you really have to know for the time being, but do you have any questions?”

I looked up at the ceiling trying to process everything. Questioningly I looked at her.

“Could you please repeat everything?” I asked slowly. Sasha rolled her eyes and sighed.

“No time, just prepare for the worst.” She pushed me towards the door. I stumbled forward and gave a quizzical look back at Sasha. She just nodded her head at the door. So I slowly open the door and looked inside.

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