Chapter Thirteen: Welcoming Guests

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Chapter Thirteen

I didn't know what I expected, maybe a group of kids to jump out at me or a group of kids giving me the death stare like before, so I was surprised when I opened the door to a nearly empty room.

The room was a large lounge room. There was a flat screen mounted on the opposite wall with lounges facing it. There was a fireplace on one side of the room and a few shelves. I also noticed a few closed doors leading out of the room. The TV was on and I could see the outline of somebody's head with their back to me on one of the lounges.

I felt a shove on my back before I stumbled forward in surprise. I clattered forward making a lot of noise because I hooked my foot on a coffee table which sent its contents flying. Luckily it was only a pile of books, but I quickly scoped them up and righted the table before dumping the books back on it. Once everything was stable I stood up, dusting off imaginary dust and gave Sasha a death glare.

"Sorry," Sasha stood behind me with an expression of smugness, her eyes not on me but on something behind me. I turned, following her gaze and was slightly startled to see a boy casually leaning on a lounge watching us.

He was a boy, with pure blond hair and piercing blue eyes. He was one of the first boys that I'd actally looked at close, really looked at.

"Oh hey Blaze sorry for interrupting whatever you were doing. This is Ranger the new student, she's the deceiver," Sasha said walking around me to Blaze.

Blaze stared at me for a long time, I started to fidget and strangely felt my cheeks began to grow warm.

"Where are the others?" Sasha asked Blaze as she flopped down on one of the lounges. Blaze flicked his head slightly and walked up to me extending his hand. I shock it carefully, as we watched each other cautiously. He ignored Sasha's question.

"Hi, as you know I'm Blaze. I'm a special, my power is Elemental transmutation. I would tell you what that means but it's highly confusing so maybe another time," He spoke quickly and smiled kindly at me.

"Ranger...and I don't really know what my power is," I said the last bit with confusion. I actually had no idea what it was.

"You can control electrical forces," Sasha said as she flicked through a magazine.

"You may have to elaborate." I bit my lip.

"Static electricity is the simplest thing you can control but you can also control electronic appliances and lights. I guess it could lead up to lightning,' she shrugged.

"How? How do I use my power?" I asked looking myself up and down. Blaze stood to the side patiently as Sasha and I talked.

"You-" Sasha started but was stopped by a loud bang from behind one of the doors leading out of the room. One of the doors crashed open and a young girl bolted through and ran towards the lounge Sasha was on. She leaped towards Sasha but before the girl could hit her, Sasha jumped up and sprang for safety to one of the other couches. The young girl face planted into the soft cushions but soon righted herself and sat up, looking around with an overly happy smile. Her eyes found Sasha once again, who was sitting casually on the other couch.

"Sasha!" The girl yelled as she ran over to her. This time Sasha didn't move, she let the girl give her a tight hug but after a few seconds Sasha lightly pushed her away.

"Grace, this is Ranger, she's the new student," Sasha said looking up at me, Grace followed suit. The first thing I thought was that I was looking at a pixie. She was around nine years old. She was cute with a round face, big eyes, button nose; she even had slightly pointed ears.

"Hey, Ranger," she said with a voice to match her appearance. "I'm elemental; I can manipulate and create bubbles." She said bouncing on her toes, smiling sweetly. "I know what you are probably thinking, bubbles, what a boring power but it is actually awesome." She then lifted her pointer finger and slowly a soupy bubbly grew from it. It was like when you blow a bubble with a bubble wand. It grew out from the tip of her finger upwards until it was hovering without any help just above her finger. She opened her palm and slowly the bubble descended until it twirled perfectly rounded in her hand.

Suddenly I heard a whistle of wind and I found myself with a small fist sized bubble floating right in front of my eyes. I raised my pinkie finger up to it and lightly touched the surface. It didn't pop so I pressed my finger in deeper. I got it in half way when the bubble finally popped; I jumped a little in shock and looked at the others. Grace was smiling, while Sasha had gone back to her magazine and Blaze had disappeared.

"I can also breathe underwater, well I have to have a bubble of air around my head." Grace said sitting down next to Sasha. She patted the couch next to her so I gingerly walked over to her and sat down.

"So what's your story?" She asked brightly. I narrowed my eyes, looking at her in confusion.

"What story?"

"Why are you at the school?"

"Um...well...ah..." I tried to think of a lie. "My parents wanted me to have a better education," I said shrugging my shoulders and looking away.

"Me too!" Grace shrieked and jumped onto me. I cried in shock as she hugged my sides. She stopped and sat up once again.

"I know we're going to be great friends," she yelled. I smiled awkwardly.

"Grace, back off. You're scaring the new girl and she's only been here for five minutes," Sasha said not looking up from her magazine. Grace stopped bouncing but didn't lose her permanent smile.

"Oh I'm so sorry Ranger," Grace said nodding her head.

Suddenly heard a deep rhythmic beat that felt like it was pounding right to my chest. Slowly I started to hear music coming closer from out in the hall, the music had a hard beat and strong guitar parts.

"Crap, Pip's back," Sasha said, slapping her magazine down on the floor. I looked at her weirdly but turned my head back to the door as the music sounded close. When the music was close to deafening I saw a tall girl walk slowly into the room looking like she owned the place. She was dressed like the hardcore group that we bumped into before, under one arm she held a skateboard while she held a stereo player on her other shoulder.

She swaggered into the room in time with the music that was blaring out of the stereo player. I was a little taken aback and scared at her presence but it was soon obvious that this wannabe hardcore girl was a complete klutz. She tripped over a roll in the carpet, stumbling forward she dropped her skateboard and somehow managed to step on it which sent her and the skateboard rolling across the room. She was only stopped by a row of shelves, its contents falling around her as she landed on her back, the stereo player shattering into pieces.

"Ranger this is Pip, Pip this is Ranger." Sasha said trying to cover a laugh. Pip turned her head to me.

"How you going? Welcome to the cool part of Vires Academy," Pip said chewing a piece of obvious pretend gum and trying to stay cool while she slipped as she tried to stand up.

"Sure it is," Sasha smirked behind me. Pip stood up and looked around at the mess sheepishly.

"I better go," She said slowly but quickly exited through one of the doors.

"That's another stereo she's broken. Three this month." Sasha said mainly to herself as she picked up her magazine and started to read.

 Shaking my head in mere shock at the scene that had just presented itself to me I jumped down on one of the couches and stretched out. It had been a short but long day and I felt like I could sleep for a long time.


I hope you like the chapter, I know nothing much happens but you meet new characters. Please give me some feed back and tell people about my story if you like it. Thanks a lot to everyone that comments or votes or adds to library. Thanks.

Liz :)

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