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i adjust my backpack so its hanging tightly against my shoulders and peek around the corner, palms flat against the cement wall, a cold shiver runs down my spine and i squint my eyes shut "this time it will work, it has to" i whisper to myself slowly i move against the wall making as little of a sound as possible. the feeling of the cement against my fingertips makes me feel uneasy and even more doubtless about leaving this awful place.

this is the second time trying to escape dema, its a living hell in here and there has to be people out there who feel the same, who escaped, who know better. all this dema bullshit is making me sick.

i come to the end of a never ending hallway and from there on it divided into 6 different corridors, last time i tried to get away this is the point where i got caught.

8 months ago i was in the same place as right now, it took me 8 fucking months to get out. i mean get out of where they put me in the first place. i was pretty sure i would get the death penalty for trying to leave the city, but since i was 17 and therefore underage i got send to the C facility, it stands for the clancy facility, someone like us, who escaped, or atleast he did succeed unlike us.

they call it a facility but really its..its a stone cold torture place, another cold shiver wraps me under and i focus on the present.

but now im freshly 18, making me a by law adult, nico wouldn't even have to think twice about contributing me to the death penalty

i rapidly check my rights and lefts and take a deep breath, letting my lungs fill themselves with oxygen, up above the bishops are watching, i know they are.

"alright....this is it" i whisper to myself, i bend my knee in a running position and make a go for it.

my heartbeat is immediately increased and my muscles feel on fire, all these wild thoughts fly through my head but i keep on running, further down the hall behind me i hear yelling and those same clanky sounds those shoes make.

flashbacks of last year fly through my mind, i can't go back, i keep on running not once shooting a look behind me, finally i reach a some sort of gate with a small window above.

fire gushes through my veins and i quickly unstrap my backpack and swing it up, thats that.

i firmly press my foot into the creaks of the gate and pull myself up, its not going easy but im glad there are creaks as im climbing i hear more voices, in multiple directions.

a glimpse of fear shoots through my body and in that moment i miss my step and fumble down a notch.

with all my strength i keep myself holding and my fingertips burn like crazy "deep breaths..." i remind myself.

i firmly grip onto the next creak and pull myself higher i can almost see the top and repeat my proces of slowly making my way higher. finally after what feels like forever im up, on my hands and knees breathing heavily.

i wipe my face and swiftly grab my backpack throwing it over my shoulder carefully but fast paced moving aside the aligned corridors, my worn out converse are luckily pretty flexible.

my heart drops, theres a man, i see his brownish hair about a feet under me, im not sure he saw me but im not taking chances shit shit shit.

its fine im going the other way around, making a 360 spin i almost lose my balance but manage to keep myself up, when im about half the way i hear yelling from the man his direction "fuck off!" my brows furrow i don't think i have ever heard a bishop swear like that, i hear another loud groan "i won't fucking go back!" it sounds like a frustrating scream lingering with fear.

i peer over my shoulder and see that the "man" it probably more my age, in a black shirt, and what it looks like some sort of variety of tattoos he's desperately trying to climb on top , is he... escaping?

i turn back, no you are not risking your life for this random guy, for all you know this is all apart of nico his plan.

i firmly keep going in the same direction as the sounds of cry go on "fuck you nico!"

"nico.." he just cursed out nico, i peek back one more time and see the boy hanging on with little strength left in him, im i really about to stress myself out for a stranger? fuck i can't let him just hang there. i hate myself argh.

once again i make a 360 spin but securely this time, i pick up my pace quickly making my way over, my whole body's is high on stress and my skin feels like its on fire.

i reach the boy and lock eyes, i stretch out my arm in his reach for him to grab it and nudge towards my arm, he gives me a puzzled look "well come in on we don't have all day!" i yell probably more disruptive than i should've.

he looks at my arm and back at me, his frustrated expression making sure to make an appearance "no fucking way!" he spats and pushes my hand away almost losing his balance. "you're apart of his plan!"

i almost chuckle, did he just refuse.

apart of his plan, is he dumb, why the hell would nico send an 18 year old girl, if you know anything he usually only sends out bishops, do i look like a bishop to him

his angry expression is still piercing my eyes and its pissing me off "you don't look like you can get up here by yourself anytime soon so you're already dead why would i be apart off some fucking plan!"

he opens up his mouth to say something but closes it again and his lips form a thin line

"well come on!"

i once again reach out my arm, stretching far enough for him to grab onto.

"no! i-
"for fuck sakes!"

i place myself lower and yank his arm myself, he immediately clutches onto me, his warm slightly sweaty arm tightly caught up in my cool shaky one.

i gather my strength together and pull him up enough for him to buckle his knee over the edge and help pull himself up more.

i get a swift look at the tattoos, closer up there are thick bands wrapped around his upper arm and some sort of puzzle on his inner arm.

after about a second we are both up i see dark red cloaks coming closer. "fuck" i whisper

the boy still catching his breath looks back also "i knew it! you fucking-

is he for real? he really thinks im with them.

"will you cut it out for once?!" i snap at him, his angered expression has a tint of regret

i turn my back to him and move up to the tiny window, we can definitely fit through it but it makes my claustrophobic self jump a bit, i search for some sort of way to open is but its glued shut.

i groan "fuck" i can feel him watching me, but i try to ignore it, i focus on my plan getting the fuck out of here. guess its gotta go the hard way.

i grab my wrist and place my elbow against the chilled window. "just cover your eyes" i say to him
"no wait-

he says but before i let him finish his sentence i swing my elbow against the window, a loud thud and a stinging burn my elbow throbs and a small groan escapes my lips.

the glass did scatter apart from some parts still in the windowsill, i reach for my elbow and rub it, hurt more than i expected to be honest.

the boy makes his way over pushing his torso through the window to see the outside "look out-

but its to late his upper arm meets a piece of glass still sticking in the frame dug into his skin, he grunts in pain, its a pretty deep cut "are you-

"just go!" he yells, but i see his glossy eyes shifting from left to right, taking a shaky breath. i debated on arguing but i don't know this guy, lets focus on the important im getting out.

i kick out the excess glass and look down, not that high of a jump pretty doable i throw my backpack out and it lands with a soft thud, i only packed essentials so nothing really fragile in there.

i swing my legs over the edge and rest my tender fingertips on the edges of the windowsill, i take a breath and jump

finally, out

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