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finally, out

i take a deep breath and let the fresh air fill my lungs, a small smile appearing but quickly disrupted by the boy i met 10 minutes ago,

"come on run!" he yelled running in some alley, i don't know why but my gut tells me to stick by him, i hastily grab my backpack, swing it over my shoulder and run after him.

everything in my body is burning and after what feels like an eternity the boy stops running. i place my hands on my knees and take unsteady breaths "jeez" i breath out wiping my forehead.

i take a minute and than stand back onto my feet and stare at the sunset it looks beautiful, i look at the boy, the sunlight reflects nicely on his skin he turns my way "we should find a place to stay for the night" he says numbly, i decide not to question it and just nod, i do know a place as in its just one mattress in a little room, my dad explained to me where it is before he died, he was always sure id make it out.

but was i really going to take this stranger with me there, i mean, he's planning on sticking together i think so i can't leave him here, bleeding.

"alright just follow me" i say walking out east "wait" he says, i turn around raising an eyebrow at him, probably has something else to yap about, he walks closer and holds out his hand "tyler" even though its a nice gesture he still looks numb.

i shake his hand, still warm, mines still cold. "y/n"
he nods and follows, the walk was silent only the footsteps and little creaks of the wood i stepped on would be heard. its a bit akward to be honest but on the other hand nice to not be alone i guess.

i take a left turn like my dad said and there it was, a little shed up upon a talk building. "we're here" i say quietly nudging into the sheds direction.

he silently follows, i peer in the shed through a side window "i think its clear" i creak open the door and its just what my dad said, a mattress a light on a table and thats it, it would've been fine but now we were with two, whatever we'll figure something out.

i walk in and the floorboards creak as i walk along, tyler follows and shuts the door. my hands run on the little table and fill with dust. "pretty dusty in here" i say trying to fill this silence, he just nods.

whats his problem, whatever its fine you're out, i rumble in my backpack for my lighter and lit the light setting it on the table, its not fully dark out yet but getting there. i sit down on the mattress, glancing over at tyler staring through the window "tyler?" he looks back "yeah?" i nudge towards his arm thats still leaking blood.

"i can bandage that up for you" i say while rumbling in my backpack "uh no im fine" my eyebrows knit together and i stand up looking him in the eyes "its a deep cut" i say crossing my arms

"its fine" he shrugs "its gonna get infecte-
"i said its fine!" he spits shooting me an angry look

what is up with this guy? for fuck sakes "fine! let it get infected sure thing!" i sneer back throwing my hands in the air.

i walk towards the door "where are you going?" he asks with a sudden scare in his eyes "why do you care!" i yell while slamming the door walking out, im not planning on going anywhere just blowing off some steam

i walk away a bit further and sit down throwing my legs over the edge of the building, i could just drop, maybe id be better off like that, i swing my feet, hovering them above all thats below.

a tear slips from my eye, but i decide this is not the time to feel, i pinch myself trying to distracting my brain and staring at the endless horizon in front of me

i sit there til its pitch black, i was always scared of the dark, scared of heights, scared of everything, but now, the depths where my feet are dangling are the same colour as the sky, and i could just step in.

suddenly i notice a figure next to me, i tense up and flinch back but soon relax as i see those same eyes look at me with no anger for the first time
"sorry, didn't mean to startle you" he says in a calm tone

"its fine" i say blankly staring back into the darkness
"are you...okay?" he says, genuine concern laced in his voice "i am" i don't know how to act around him, so i just don't.

"im sorry for yelling earlier" he says still looking at me i can feel his eyes burn "mhm" i pick at the hem of my shirt, he also looks down and silence falls again.

"you were right" he stumbles "it is a pretty deep cut" yeah no shit i told him that, twice, maybe he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed "i was just trying to help" i mumble

"you still...want to?" his voice is saddened, i can hear in his voice he had been through something "yeah" i say standing up, he follows and we go back inside the
shed, its actually a bit chilly and a small chill runs over my my body.

"alright just go sit on the mattress" i tell him and he silently does what he's told. i grab the light and my backpack and walk over to him, he looks vulnerable sitting there, and i don't mean the cut on his arm, just...him he looks different than the boy yelling nico to fuck off.

i place the light in front of him and crouch down sitting next to him, out of my backpack i grab some rubbing alcohol, some wipes, bandaids and a wrap around.

"alright" i hum rolling up his short sleeve, he flinches the tiniest bit when i touch him, visibly not used to it, i try to lighten the mood and ask about the tattoos "some tattoos you've got going on huh?" he nods.

i put some rubbing alcohol onto a wipe "this might sting" he shruggs, i take his arm the soft warm skin against my hand and carefully wipe the blood off and than dab the wound, i see he winced a little but trying to play it cool "sorry"

"its fine" he says looking at me, with warm eyes, never expected him to have warm eyes, he looks quite beautiful in this light, not in a weird way just..saying.

i glance back but quickly grab the bandaids and he looks back ahead, i cut up the bandaids so that they push together the deepest part, tyler looks fascinated by all this.

at last i wrap around the actual bandage "this too tight?" i ask not wanting to make him uncomfortable in it "its fine" i chuckle "do you ever say anything besides that" the corners off his lips curl and he actually smiled a bit "is that a smile i see?" i say joking around finishing up the bandage "there"

he runs his fingers over it and looks at me "thank you...how do you know this so well?" well obviously im not telling him that "oh just good at it i guess" he raises an eyebrow already aware of my suspicion.

but before he could say something i interrupt "we should go sleep" he drops the bandage thing and nods "you take the mattress" he says and walks over to the corner on the other side "that's ridiculous" i say.

he looks puzzled "its a hardwood floor" i say,he smiles again, cute smile, fuck stop it "im aware" he says,i cross my arms "we'll take turns" i say plopping down on the mattress.

i look at him and his ever ending frown "im not letting you sleep on the floor" he sternly says "you're not letting me, i chose to" i say flashing him a smile.

once again he's ready to say something again but i interrupt him before he can "just wake me up in 6"

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