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a faint ray of sunshine wakes me up, the brightness forcing me to open my eyes, i rub them and blink a few times, the sunshine sneaking through the curtains makes the room lit up a bit.

i peek over next to me and see tyler, the faint sunglow over his skin embracing his features, his arm slighty crossing over mine, i don't wanna wake him so i carefully slip away , he groans slightly but doesn't wake up.

i walk over to my my backpack, rumbled though it and found my water bottle "fuck" i whisper, its almost empty, i take a tiny sip and leave some for tyler.

i decide to sneak out and soak up some sun, i shoot a look over at tyler still sleeping and catch myself smiling a bit. he looks beautiful

i slowly tip over to the door and silently slip out, sunlight covers me and i take a deep breath, finally some peace, i sit down at the ledge again, still not afraid of falling.

i look over my shoulder one more time and check if tyler's still inside, yup the door is still closed, i slowly roll up my sleeves and cool off a bit, i would normally just take it off and go further in my undershirt but i can't, there's scars splattered over my arm and i don't wanna freak him out or anything.

whatever its fine, im fine im out, i sit there a while silently looking at the bright blue sky above me letting my skin soak up the sunlight. when i hear a creak and snap my head around, its tyler he's closing the door, i quickly pull my sleeve down and turn back looking out infront of me.

footsteps approach and he settles next to me, "hey" he says surprisingly more happy sounding, i turn to look at him, eyes connecting, i can almost feel myself start to blush god what is wrong with me, "hey" i smile.

"sleep well?" he asks, i look back at the sky "yeah, you?" there falls a short silence "yeah better" he mutters "hey about last night- he starts but gets cut off by nearing footsteps "fuck" i mumble.

he snaps up "here" and drags me behind a corner.
my heart is pounding in my chest and a million thoughts fly through my mind.

i peek around the corner and see the red cloaks, they followed us all the way out here themselves that is crazy "its them" i shakily say, tyler looks at me "it'll be alright" he gives my hand a reassuring squeeze and starts to back away "tyler!" i frown "what are you doing?!"

"just remember, go east, go up" oh my god he's gonna distract, "tyler !" my eyes start to water and i yank him back, gripping his shirt "you are NOT doing this" he looks down at me and weakly smiles, "you've got a chance out here, you're a good person" silence falls "im really glad i got to meet you" he says

im starstruck and a tear creeps over my cheek, he lifts my head up  and wipes away my tear away with his thumb, "don't cry, we'll meet again someday" my heart feels like its going to pound out of my chest and i take a breath about to say something but he runs out.

"over here you fuckers!" he yells and runs away from me, a flow of shock terrors my body and i freeze, red cloaks appear out of nowhere running after him. i want to run after them, scream, cry, hell just anything but it feels like im nailed into the ground and cant move.

they reach him and one of them tightly grabs tyler, my heart drops into my stomach. i can see tyler  struggling into the harsh grip and fear is written over his face.

suddenly the other bishop rolls up his sleeve and starts throwing punches as tyler, and as soon as that fist reached his skin the frozen feeling immediately leaves me and without thinking i grab a nearby broken off brick and storm over.

"you fuck!" i yell and the bishop turns around and as if its a natural reflex i throw the brick directly at his face, target reached.

i glance a look at tyler, he has a cut open lip and his bandage from yesterday is soaked up again.

he elbows the other bishop holding him while the other one comes for me, fuck didn't think this through, i try and think of something but that icy feeling is over me again and he gets ahold of my neck leaving me surrendered.

i see tyler finally free of their grip and shoot a look towards me, his expression is full of fear and worry.

"run!" i yelp "get out of here!!" i stumble in the bishops grip.

with teary eyes he looks around, and runs over to me, but there's three more bishops in between us "it'll be alright" he weakly says shooting one last glance, with that same sunshine covering his beautiful feature's before he also gets ripped away by the neck "tyler!" i scream, and than it all goes black in a second.

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