surrounding all my surroundings

24 3 0

"what the..."

rowen snaps over to me, lust for violence in his eyes, flames almost shooting out of them "r-run" tyler creaks, reaching for his side with the knife dug deeply

"yeah what he said, run"

rowen his voice is almost dark, its heavy and seems totally different then the boy i met two days ago

i quickly look at my surroundings, rowen pulls his knife out of tyler making him whimper and starts walking towards me with the blood covered knife while blood starts soaking up tylers shirt

"oh god" i whisper and a hundred thoughts fly through my brain

i stumble backwards as he starts pacing towards me, i scan the room quickly, pretty much empty room

"you're slowing me down got to get rid of both of you!" he yells and fear shoots through my spine "just run!" tyler yells

i stumble backwards more as he starts swinging the knife at me "why are you doing this?" i try "oh cmon sweetheart you can't talk me out of the this one"

he grinns, in my desperate try to distract him i spot an fire extinguisher behind the bed

i make up a quick plan and lure him more towards the bed "why do this?" i play again

he laughs "its fun! cmon now you're turn"

"fun?!" i yell "look at what you did to him?!" i yell and nudge at tyler collapsed on the floor faintly looking out his eyes

and the second he looks over i take all i have in me and grab the fire extinguisher and swing it against his head

he drops down on the floor with a loud thud, i drop the fire extinguisher with shaky hands and freeze for a second

"the rope" snaps me out of my trance, "the r-rope" again, its tyler he's nudging at a rope across the room, to tie him up

i sprint over and grab the rope and back to rowen, i drag him towards the bed and tie him to the headboard, i make sure its secure and turn my attention to the limp tyler

"oh god" i whisper again

his shirt is blood soaked and his face is slowly draining of his rosy colour palette "hey stay with me okay?"

he just painfully looks at my through bloodshot eyes, "we got to get you to another room okay? i have a first aid kit y-you're gonna be fine"

i ramble pressing down on his wound to stop the bleeding  "just g-go without me" he whines, i let out a sigh "yeah not gonna happen so work with me will you" i say and pull him up more into my side

"i don't agree" he mutters but i just pretend i didn't hear and sling his tattooed arm over my shoulder dragging him up

he groans in pain and swiftly moves with me to the door "thats it" i say and we stumble through the door

i release the pressure on the wound to open the door and he whines again shaking slightly on his feet, i speedily come back and take him, this time he's more accepting and leans into me "you're doing great we're almost there okay"

he mumbles and i quickly walk him into the other room and slowly place him on the bed, he keeps shaking his head

i hastily walk over to the cabinet where i found the first aid kit in and pull it out heading to tyler

his face is even more white now and he's definitely shaking, i quickly pull open the kit and cut open the rest of his shirt revealing the stab and two more interesting tattoos

"im gonna sew you up o-okay, but it'll hurt cause i dont h-have any sedation" i ramble and fuss around in the first aid kit when tyler grabs my arm

i ignore it fussing around more, but he pulls again  "l-look at me" he mutters "no, you can tell me tomorrow" i say tears welling in my eyes

i pick up the needle and thread with shaky hands "i dont know if i have tomorrow" he whines again "dont! dont say that" i say and wipe my eyes

i take a deep breath and look up at him one more time, surprisingly his eyes are glossy and looking at me "you're gonna be fine" i say and bend over to stitch him up

while stitching he lets out a groan here and there but mostly just bites his tongue, until he his limp body becomes even limper and shifts

passed out

i quickly finish up the wound and disinfect it, carefully placing a bandage over it, he looks so fragile, i wipe his forehead which covered in a thin layer of sweat and lay him up a bit more comfortable in the bed

i remember i have the bag rowen gave me to carry and pull out one of his spare shirts, first cut off the rest of his old shirt and carefully slip him into a new one

i pull up a chair and eventually slur away in that same chair by his side

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