first day

19 3 0

"not today"

after a bad night sleep i wake up in the tent, its early i can tell, the sun is just rising, tyler is clearly already up, i can't see him inside the tent so i get up aswell and pull on the jacket

as i step out i see him a couple miles ahead, watching the sunset, i look around swiftly but no one is up yet

i slowly walk towards him and sit beside him "morning" i say and look at him, he looks like he has to load for a moment but eventually does and smiles at me "sleep well?" he asks

"not that good, weirdly enough" i say rubbing my eyes "jacket looks good on you" he says "you really think so...or is it just because of that kid from yesterday" i mutter

he looks at me, with the sun rising like this the light catches his eyes beautifully and i feel heat rising in me just by looking in his eyes

"i think you look beautiful with and without" he shrugs but it sounds so seriously i can't even turn it into a joke this time, it feels like a slap in the face, i mean a good slap but i have nothing to say


but before i can even try and form a sentence josh nears us "early birds up already!"

we shoot a little more away from each other and look at josh "yeah man" tyler says and sits himself up a little more

"if you guys are up for it ill give you the tour?"

i nod "sure" and we stand up

"see you guys found the clothes yesterday, looks great!" he smiles

"very similar taste" he mumbles and he glances at my jacket

"alright!" he says and leads the way

the further we go the more tents i see, they are splattered across the space with a big hangout space in the middle with something that looks like could be a bonfire

"we sit around here some nights together"

we walk further and theres some bigger tents "this is our medical tent aaand this one is our food storage"

i pick at my nails while looking around the huge tent, lots of people stare us down as we walk around i almost walk into josh when he stops walking

"so that's about it!, tyler i have something to show you!" josh almost jumps up and down and drags him off without saying much to me

im standing like a stick figure in the mud unsure what to do, i stand there for a moment but force myself to akwardly walk around

i look around the groups of people gathering around in groups, they are laughing, they look happy

how come everywhere i go i still feel out of place, i feel a panic attack bubbeling up but before it can boil over someone speaks to me

"hey, are you new?"

i blink a few times, its a girl with perfect silky black hair and flawless skin staring at me with crossed arms "oh yeah i- i guess i am" i stutter

she hold out her hand "im hariette" she smiles, her perfect white teeth peeking through

"y/n" i shake her hand "you've got ty's jacket i see" suddenly her attitude completely changes

she grits her teeth placing her hands on her hip "oh...yeah uh he said it was okay" she snickers "did he now?"

i confusingly raise an eyebrow "yes....?"

"well i had it before you, so you can give back to me now" i take a small step back "there are loads in the t-tent" she twirls her hair "yeahhh but i want that one"

"or ill take it off you"

her eyes shoot an angry look at me and i dont really know what to do

"yeah im leaving now..." i mutter

"i dont think so!"

she pushes me in the hard dirty floor gripping the jacket off me "hey!" i yell

in the meantime a whole group of people had surrounded us "give me it!" she yells back harshly pulling the jacket off me

she completely pulls it off me and smirks

tears pool in my eyes, day one and im already messing up, everyone is staring me down, they've all seen the one thing i didn't want them to

i whimper softly while hariette is still on me

"what was all that yelling about?" i suddenly hear josh say while walking up to us "hariette? whats all this, get off her" he says calmly

hariette jumps up, "nothing happend!" and she draws that same smile on her face again

tyler pops up behind one of the tents, confusion in his eyes but when they meet mine they fill with sorrow

he looks around the scene and sees hariette, anger creeps in his features

"well, don't you guys have things to do?" josh speaks up to everyone and waves them away

tyler storms off to hariette but i dont even want to know whats happening next, i scramble myself together and run off

i run for a while till im out of breath, i find some rocks and sit against them watching over the sea, tears flow my face, my shirt is already dirty and the people here hate me

i sit there for a while, salty cheeks from crying, its already starting to get dark, i have no intention of getting back

until i hear rustling in bushes and tense up, i fearfully squint to look whats there but the fear drains when i see those familiar brown eyes again

"there you are" his raspy voice says "just go" i immediately say wiping my eyes

he does the opposite and sits himself down against a rock next to me "im so sorry that happened" he's trying to make eye contact

i take a deep breath and rest my head against the rock "its all ruined now" i mutter

"don't say that" he says, i can hear the pain in his voice "whatever tyler its fine" i say while tears well in my eyes again

"hariette is just- just forget about her okay" he says, something about him talking about her makes me feel even worse

"how do you know her, you have been here before haven't you" i mumble


"i have"

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