finding a way

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"just wake me up in 6"

a gently hand shaking my shoulder, i slowly sit up taking in my surroundings, tyler is sitting in front of me, circles formed under his heavy eyes "i think we should head out" he says.

its only than when i notice its already light out "you didn't wake me up" i say looking at him he just shrugs, hard to read what he's actually feeling.

"said i wasn't going to let you sleep on the floor" he mumbled, he avoids eye contact and gazes to the wall "you should've just woken me up, you look tired"

"im not tired" he says with some sort of a heavy undertone. i decide to switch the topic "hows you're arm doing?" he shifts his gaze to his arm and back to the wall "fine"

not a man of words, thats for sure.

"so....uhm by saying we should go, where exactly are you planning to?" i say, he looks back at me "well i heard about a group of people called the banditos who take in people like us, escapers, but they live out of the city walls, so my plan was to go out there search for them, if you're cool with that"

im starstruck about the fact i was right there were people who felt like me, a small smile creeps upon my face and i look back at him "i didn't know about that" i say "i just needed to get out of there i didn't really have much of a further plan"

i try to make it sound more casual but the silence stil falls "so banditos it is" i say standing up, my feet are sore and my muscles tense, but im out thats all that matters

i let out a groan and walk over to my backpack and take out my water bottle and take a sip, filling my dry throat. without a word i pass him the bottle, he stares at it for a moment but finally takes a sip himself.

"so right out city walls, whats the best way for that?"
he closes the cap on my water bottle and clears his throat "east" he says handing me back the water bottle, man he really doesn't talk much.

i look at my feet leaning forwards and backwards, i look up to him still looking at me but quickly shifting his gaze away "they are still out there, we have to be careful" he sternly says "right" i mumble.

once again silence falls and i tense up "well, lets move than" i say swinging my backpack around my shoulder he just nods and walks out the door ugh this is gonna be a long day.

i follow him out and a hint of sunshine pampers my face, i breath in the fresh air and follow tyler down to the stairs he suddenly stops and i bump into him "hey-

"shut up!" he says pushing me backwards and placing his own body flat against the building a glimpse of fear shoots through me and i copy him plastered against a wall.

"what is it" i whisper "bishops" my eyebrows furrow, they never go out themselves they always send other people "what? all the way out here?" my heartbeat is going up and i look up at tyler.

"it'll be fine" he mumbles looking away "im gonna take a look" he says stepping forward "no wait!" i grab him by his arm and pull him back "we should just go around" he sighs, he looks at me with those same heavy eyes, i wonder if he actually slept at all last night.

"fine" he says and i immediately turn back to the stairs and slip through the other hall leading more north "this will be safer" he nods and follows.

we've been walking for around 5 hours now and my feet are burning, my heads almost spinning and the burning sun on my skin isn't helping either.

i peek a glimpse at tyler who looks even more rough than he did this morning, dragging his feet forward with a thin coat of sweat plastered on his forehead, he catches my glimpse and raises an eyebrow.

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