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"come on"

i slouch behind him into the tent "welp that was embarrassing" i mutter and i can hear tyler chuckle "here" he throws me new pants and a shirt "thanks" i huff and pull the clothes on

i play with my hands waiting for tyler to finish "im gonna go talk to josh" i say

he raises and eyebrow "cuz you know the whole scene" i mumble, tyler crosses his arms "you're not the one who should apologize"

"well" i stand up and walk out the tent "im still going to" tyler opens his mouth to say something but i make my way out the tent already

the camp looks peaceful today, calm, they still look really happy, somehow

people chatting away, some stitching up clothes and others just talking, i spot josh and walk over to him

i tap him on the shoulder and he turns around "hey uh can we talk" i awkwardly say "of course" he responds and takes me to a tent

we sit down "im sorry about yesterday, i never meant to have a fight with her" i say, he takes a deep breath "i know, hariette is a full hand, especially when it comes to cl-tyler" he stutters

i knit my eyebrows together "what?" he seems to panic a little, adjusting his shirt and sitting up more straight "i uhh nevermind, hariette is known for acting out, but you cant just run away like that"

"right" i say looking away "wont happen again" i mumble "hey" he says laying a hand on my shoulder "its okay really" he smiles

i smile back at him, suddenly someone abruptly comes in, visibly out of breath "woah whats wrong?" josh says

"it-its happening a-again" he huffs, placing his hands on his knees

"what is?" he urgently asks

"c-clancy" he breaths

josh freezes "whats clancy?" i ask, they both stay silent, "well?"

josh doesn't answer me but just hastily walks out the tent, i quickly follow "josh??" no response

"where is he?" he asks "behind his tent"

im so confused by the situation, who is this clancy and why wont anybody tell me anything "who is clancy?" i say a little louder

they still ignore me walking over the place in a fast pace "will someone tell me?!" i start to get more agitated

suddenly i notice were walking towards the tent me and tyler sleep in and im even more confused, we get behind the tent and tyler is laying on the floor still

my heart drops and i stand still for a moment before rushing over kneeling by him "tyler?! tyler can you hear me??!" i yelp, nobody else is doing anything

"what is happening, help me!" i yell looking around in the group of people

"y/n" josh says laying a hand on my shoulder, in a flicker of a moment tyler shoots up, hes blinking, but his eyes are a bright red

my eyebrows fur together and im sat a couple inches away in my knees "ty...?" i mutter so silently im not sure anyone heard

he stops blinking and stares ahead and than straight at me, his stare makes me a little cold "tyler?" i mutter "mhm" he grinns

his voice times and times deeper than normal
he moves slightly towards me and josh his grip on my shoulder tightens, "you should leave" he whispers "leave?" tyler asks cocking his head to the side with a foolish smile

ive never been more confused in my life, this cannot be tyler, this is a whole different thing going on, he moves even closer and now josh pulls me back and gets in between us

"joshua!" he smiles brightly "boy oh boy" he grinns, im watching tyler, his mannerisms and tone of voice everything is off

josh places a hand on tyler his chest "come on back buddy its all okay" im watching tyler from  behind josh and its so scary i dont understand whats happening

"indeed! everything is okay" he snickers and pushes josh away, the extreme deepening voice is creeping me out, he locks eyes with me "we haven't met before have we" he smirks at me

"yes we have" i say steadily "ahhhh no dear you mean clancy, he's not here right now, bummer!"

i shove josh aside and move towards him "what sick joke is this tyler!" i say and grab his shirt and shake him, he starts blinking again,

its switching between red and his own lovely brown eyes, i can hear josh take a sharp breath behind me

he groans tucking at his hair, tyler, i stare at him intensely, "do that again" josh says from behind me

i confusingly turn around "do what again?" he nudges towards tyler "touch him" my cheeks flush a little but quickly i turn towards tyler and gently grab onto his shoulders "ty" i say steadily

i softly squeeze his arm, his head is hanging low and hes not moving much just a bunch of groans coming from him

in a split second he jumps again releasing me from shoulders, he breaks out in a sobbing mess curling up in a ball muttering things i cant really hear

josh rushes over immediately and yells for someone to take me away, normally i would've protested but im so shocked by everything thats happening that i blindly let myself get taken away by some other lady

she sits me down in a seperate tent kneeling infront of me "hes never calmed down that quickly"

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