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"not you"

i squeeze his hand softly and look deeply into his bloodshot eyes, he looks down "but it hands" he shakes his head softly

i start to get teary myself, he looks so broken and i can't figure out how to help him and i so desperately want to "ill help you get better" i say with a cracked voice

he smiles painfully and looks up at me "i can't risk it..." his gaze shifts between my neck and eyes

"please don't make this harder" he interrupts me, we're still holding hands tightly and to a stranger it would probably look oddly romantic

its silent for a bit "can i ask something" i finally muster up, he bites his cheek, "mhm" he nods yes

i take a deep breath "we were out together for like 4 days and well...he didn't like show...nothing come?"

he lets go of one of my hands to tuck at his hair again, after a couple of tucks he runs his hand through his hand and breaths shakily

"i forced myself not to, worked something out at night...things like that, that is probably why it was so bad this time.." he mutters

my brows worriedly knit together " that why you didn't want to be in bed with me?"

a tear trickles its way down over his cheek and he nods softly "i was to scared id do something wrong" he chokes

i slowly bring my hand up and wipe away the tear "im not scared, i know you won't hurt me" i say firmly

he sighs looking down at my neck again "i don't understand why i-...he- i don't know whatever possessed me to do this to you, i feel sick"

i grab both his hands again "i know you do" i mutter "please don't shut me out"

its silent again for a bit "i-

"its them!!" someone shrieks from the distance, i snap over and see something slightly orange fly through the air, its only when it hits the ground i notice that its bombs

tyler pulls me behind him, we're a bit away from camp but i still hear people screaming and bombs dropping like water droplets

the smoke fills up the whole area and makes my eyes prick, i try not to cough but fail

tyler is stood firmly infront of me silently observing the situation while holding my arm tightly, when the bombing stops for a couple minutes he turns around

his eyes are also faintly red by the smoke "im going to take a look okay?, you stay here ill come get you" he says holding onto both my shoulders


i immediately say but he interrupts right away "ill come back right away i promise" he insists

i bite my lip and look away "im scared" i whisper trying to hold back tears "i know....i wont let anything happen okay?" he says, still holding onto my shoulders slightly bent over, we start to look like some married couple more every day

"okay" i sniff and blink a couple times, he lets go off me and smiles one last time before turning around and slowly walking into the smoke

i stand against the wall watching him, he starts to turn more vague by the second

suddenly i see another orange ball fly through the air and fear shoots through me, its another bomb, its heading straight for tyler

my heart jumps up to my chest and i panic "tyler bomb!!" i yell but my coarse voice doesn't get far, i can't see if he's even heard me

the bomb is still flying towards him, he seems oblivious not running or distressed at all

i can't think straight and i just run towards him trying to outrun the bomb "tyler!" i keep repeating, when i almost reach him he turns around looking confused, then i reach him and half bump into him and drag him off, making him tumble over on the ground

what i didn't think of is that i am in his place now and the bomb is heading for me, but in the time i had time calculate that its to late,

a piercing loud noice fills my head and i try and cover my ears but the noise feels stuck in my head, my whole body feels under pressure

it takes me a minute to adjust to what is going on, im hurdled somewhere in a corner on the floor, smoke and blood is everywhere

the pain suddenly kicks in, and it keeps kicking, tears stream down my face as i whine in pain,
i try and see whats wrong with me

i reach my hand up to my cheek and when i pull it back its covered with hot red blood, it makes me cry even more, the smoke is clearing up slightly and i almost scream in pain as i try and move myself up

im bleeding from my arm,chest and face, great, after i force myself up i hold onto a rock, my clothes are ripped up and bloody, my vision isn't normal and i feel very faint, i see the blood puddle i left on the floor and quickly look away

my tears won't stop and i feel helpless, suddenly it hits me, tyler

i hold myself together and stumble across the place slowly looking for tyler

"t-tyler?" i screech my voice full of fear, with every step the pain increases but i force myself forward

suddenly in the distance i see someone "t-ty?" i squirm, the person snaps their neck around and runs over, when they are closer i see its tyler and i drag my feet further

we reach each other and i almost fall into his arms crying exhaustedly, his arms tightly pressed around me holding me up, chest against my bloody face i slid to the floor, he goes with me "e-everything hur-hurts" i hiccup against his chest

he pulls me back "oh god..." he whispers, tears sprung in his eyes, he runs his hands against the sides of my face and looks around

he stands up and looks around once more before carefully picking me up into his arms "you're going to be just fine you hear me?" he says

he starts walking in a fast pace and i lay my head against his chest still crying softly, my vision is getting more faint by the second and it scares me so i close my eyes

"hey stay with me come on" he says pinching my arm "mhm" i mutter not opening my eyes, i can hear his heartbeat speed up "hey don't you dare" he says again "we're almost there hold on" he says

i smile slightly feeling more slumped away "come on don't do this to me" he mumbles "just talk to me, keep talking"

"mhm" i mutter and flicker my eyes open, nothing is sharp anymore but i can still see his blurred face and i bring up my hand slowly to his hair, running my hand through his strands of hair "youw always tujck at...aht your haier" i whisper and softly tuck on that one piece he always tucks at

"yeah i d-do" he croaks, i close my eyes again and mutter something, i can hear other people "i need help hurry!" i can hear tyler yelp and some other voices in te distance but before i can compute what any of them say back it all goes black

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