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tyler says with a crack in his voice, im frozen in place watching at the scene, the guy pulls down his bandana and his mouth is haning open slighty "tyler!" he yells and runs over

they hug each other tightly until tyler groans and reaches for his wound "what happend?"

i stay frozen in place until one of the other guys this 'josh' is with drag me up holds my hands behind my back "hey!- i struggle but the guy holding me is much stronger "dont touch me!" i almost cry, flashbacks of inside dema flow to me and i try and pull away either watery eyes

tyler notices quickly "nono stop! shes with me get off!" he yells and josh turns around "wow calm down everyone" he says

"its alright alex let her go" he calmly says and he does so and i immediately step away from him rubbing my wrist

josh walks over to me and i back into the wall, "sorry about that, he can be quite... protective, i am josh, im one of the leaders here, you don't need to be scared its all good" he hold out his hand and i hesitatingly shake it

tyler walks to us and looks at me "we made it" he smiles brightly, i dont think ive seen him smile this much before

"lets get going" he says towards the group and circles in the air with his hand and they start walking a certain way

he smiles at me and returns to tyler, they start chatting away and i slump behind them very confused by all of this

all of the group is wearing some form of yellow, yellow ducktape patched over their shoulders and around their arms, the bandanas around their faces or hanging from their jackets, i figure they must've been the ones throwing the pedals

we've been walking for some time and suddenly josh turns around and walks beside me, with tyler following on my other side

"so! tyler tells me you two got out together" he says "mhm" i mumble and nod, i can see josh raise an eyebrow

"well so- okay! so, we're about to get to trench, thats our group, save!" i look up at him confusingly

"we're with quite a group of people now and you'll get your own tent somewhere and some good clothes" he laughs bumping my shoulder, i awkwardly smile

the sun is almost setting and the day is almost over again, my nerves are rising by the thought of these people

suddenly we everyone stops and josh heads up front leading us through a cave while holding this huge torch

i almost slip a few times and its dark to see where we are going but in the distance there light again

after some time we reach it and there's this huge place, filled with these people, one thing they all have in common, yellow, its everywhere

and they notice we arrive and all shoot a look in our direction, josh huddles us to the side

"alright, alex can you take y/n in with you for now, its bit to late to set up another tent"

"oh, no she'll go with me" tyler casually says

i akwardly shift on my feet "works with me" josh says and happily shows us to the tent, its pretty big for a tent

"alright before you guys drift off, if you want some better clothes before its all busy and questions from everyone tommorow" he laughs

"its the big black tent about a couple tents left from here, knock yourselves out!"

tyler smiles "thanks bud, will do" he says and hugs josh again "i missed you man" josh mumbles and pulls back "yeah me too"

"alright, goodnight! both of you" he smiles at me and i smile back

he leaves and tyler sits next to me on the mattress, "are you okay? you've been a bit quiet"
he nudges his knee against mine "yeah mhm im fine" i say

he raises an eyebrow "i don't buy that at all..." he mutters and i can feel his eyes burn looking at me "we"ll talk about it tommorow lets just get some clothes for now okay?"

i nod and get up following him out, we walk some time left and encounter a big black tent "think this is it?" he asks nodding towards the tent "yeah probably"

he peeks his head in and soon after holds the curtain open with his arm "enter madame" he says smirking "shut up" i smile and get in

theres rackets full off bomberjackets,cargo jeans, t shirts and caps, and a bunch of yellow striped peeking out of pretty much all the clothing

"woah" i sigh looking around

tyler starts rummaging through the jeans and i pick up a special looking bomberjacket i hold it out, its dark green with one yellow stripe and some patches along the back

tyler laughs "whats funny" i say "you dont think it'll look good?" i mutter and about to put it back "nono" he hurries

he walks up to me and drags his hand across the jacket "used to be mine.." he softly says

"what?" i say taken aback and look up at him, we're pretty close so suddenly the tension is high and he looks a little stumbled by it and his cheeks seem to turn a little more pink

"look at the tag" he mutters and i turn away from him and look inside to the tag, by my surprise it says "ty" written in ink

"how even-

i mumble "ill tell you soon" he smirks "oh so mysterious once again" i smile

"here, its quite literally yours" i say handing it to him but he turns it down "keep it, suits you better" he says turning back towards the jeans, for the better because the pink rushed in my cheeks a little when he said that

i smile slighty and start looking through the shirts, their all short sleeved but luckily i have the jacket

i pick out a black basic shirt and some basic black cargo jeans, tyler went for all black

i look around but there are no changing rooms, tyler notices "oh- i can leave for sure i-

"you don't have to" i reassure him, he hesitantly balances on his feet, it silent for a moment

"actually i was wondering, i really think something hit me in that cave on my back, if you could just check for me, there's like no mirrors here so" i smile

"t-totally" he mutters

i turn around and peel off my shirt, its silent again for a moment

i feel his hand trace over my lower back, its sending sparks all throughout my body               "you bruise really easily jeez" he whispers "is it bad"


but before he can finish someone barges in, i quickly turn around holding my shirt over my chest, its a teenage boy, he looks about 12 maybe 13 "oh!" he says

"i-i didn't know a-anyone was in here" he stutters "thats okay, we were just getting some clothes" tyler mumbles

suddenly he's staring at me "whats that on your arm" he curiously asks "i uhh..." i freeze

"isn't it way past youre bedtime" tyler says a little more sternly while stepping infront of me "oh!" he says again and runs out

tyler turns around and i look at him with watery eyes, quickly pulling the fresh t shirt over my head following with the jacket "hey-

"no its fine" i say wiping my eyes, "lets just head back" i say and swing the rest of the clothes over my shoulder "no wait please" he pleads

i stand at the exit looking at him and say            "not today"

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