new guy

25 2 0


my head is throbbing, everything is fuzzy, where the fuck am i. slowly my memories start flowing back to me and i shoot up.

i slowly open my eyes adjusting to the brightness that stings my headache even more.

"what the..."

im back in dema. as expected in a room... a fancy room. big windows with a view, huge twin sized bed. im so confused.
i sit up on the bed "tyler..." i mumble to myself.

i look next to me and there's a dressing back and i note. i take a deep breath and pick off the note.

wear this and come down take a left, 5pm don't be late, if you ever want to see him again.

i swallow hard and debate, what is this kind of sick joke, i should be dead, its the death penalty to try and leave, a million questions fly though my mind and i glance a quick look at the time 4:02, must've been out a while.

if you ever want to see him again.

it keeps lingering though my mind and i sit back on the bed running my fingers over the dressing bag. i have to i have no choice god knows what they'll do to him.

f u c k

i take a deep breath and let my head fall into my hands, why does this have to happen silent tears fall though my hands.

"keep it together" i mumble to myself and i look up again out the window, grey gloomy disgusting city looking back at me, can't believe im back.

i turn towards the dressing bag and zip it open "you've got to be kidding me" its a deep red almost maroon dress with a deep v cut and no sleeves of course, its something you'd wear to prom.

this will be terrible.


thirty minutes til i get answers, what does he want i sigh and start to take my clothes off, i take a glance at myself in the mirror, bruised neck, scarred wrists, and my left ribs bruised. "fucking great" i mumble.

i slip on the dress and zip myself up, i look in the mirror, i look awful, i feel awful, my chest is exposed thats one thing but my arms, i have no way of hiding it.

oh well look on the bright side at least its not tyler who has to see.


as time is ticking by my nerves are rising, this can't be good, why this dress, why this room, why all of this.

i nervously walk circles in the room making time pass. what do i even say, what do i do?


alright fuck it im going

i creak open the door and walk down the stairs, i don't even know where in dema this is, its way to fancy for dema.

i glance down into a much darker room, i shift uncomfortably in the dress and walk up to a half open door

it creaks as i push it open,

still a very dark room but one big window that shines through, i walk through and see a huge dinner table

i freeze on the spot

at the very end tyler is strapped to the chair with rope, beaten up face and ducktape stuck over his mouth "tyler..."

i whisper so only i can hear it, i hide my arms behind my back, theres two other men and nico sat down, im still frozen in place until two other bishops take me by each arm and force me forward


i say but in defeat, they force me a spot at the table, im still far away from tyler but i can see how cut up he is.

we lock eyes and i feel tears burn in my eyes, he tries to give me sympathetic eyes but i can see his pain,

i shift my gaze to nico and the men beside him "w-what do you want from u-us"  i croak out

they turn towards nico and than one of the men stands up and sits beside me, tyler follows him with his eyes

he sits down and grabs my arm forcefully pulling it out onto the table slamming it down "what the-

"would you look at that" the man grins and drags his hand over my scars "she's getting closer"

tyler grunts in his chair, shooting an angry look at the guy pinning me down

nico his cold black hand presses down on my scars

i try and pull back my arm but they're only pushing it down harder "stop please" i whimper and a tear rolls down my cheek

"it could use some more..." the guy huffs and takes out his pocket knife, tyler tries to speak again but is muffled by the ducktape

"shut it boy!" the other man yells

he presses the knife against my arm and drags it down, blood trail dribbling down "stop!" i cry out

after what seems like an eternity he stops and pushes me back in my chair, i let out a shivered breath and close my eyes for a second

the man laughs and pulls my arm out again "matches the dress honey" he wipes blood on his hand and holds it up to my chest, his hand moving down the exposed parts of my chest

"dont touch me!" i yell and slam his hand away, his expression turns angry and he slaps me "ill touch you all i want bitch!"

he says and dips his hands right back into my dress and before i can push him away the other man is holding me back "let me go!" i cry out

i feel his hands all over me and it switches something in me, i get ahold of the glass infront of me and smash it, my hand burns but i get a a piece of glass and jam it into the guy

its silent for a moment until he murmerd and falls down

i take my chance and quickly take another piece of glass running over to tyler, i rip off the ducktape and start cutting down the rope as in the corner of my eye i see the other guy coming up to us

"a-are you okay?" i cramp out to tyler but before he can reply the other guy rams me back

i crash back on my back, i try my best getting him off but hes twice my size, just about hes about to pull out his knife, hes getting kicked away "get the fuck off her!"

i hear tyler scream, i grunt trying to sit up, tyler rushed over and kneels beside me "hey, hey are you okay??" he softly turns my face to the sides

tears silently flow down "hey, it'll be okay cmon, we got to run come on i got you" he scoops me up from the floor and keeps his hand firm around my waist

the door is open and the lights turn red, probably nico getting more bishops

just as we are about the door, theres another boy, bandana wrapped around the most of his face, tyler freezes in place


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