bright yellow

19 3 0

"goodnight tyler"

the sunlight beams through the blinds and wakes me up, im next to tyler who is still asleep, the sun paints his features beautifully and his chest slowly rises and falls again

last night floods back to me and i groan in embarrassment, i decide to stay in bed a little longer and observe tyler

it sounds creepy, which is kind of is, his shirt is rolled up on his shoulder a bit and reveals another tattoo

i remember when we switched shirts last night and i look down at his longsleeve and feel a little more embarrassed again

i lay back for a few more minutes but anxiety fills me up and slide past tyler brushing past him, i check but he just twists slightly and sleeps on

i sneak to the bathroom and quietly close the door, i scare myself a bit in the mirror, heavy bags under my eyes, i sigh

i look even more goofy, the big longsleeve over the shorts look comedic but somehow does make me feel better

i walk back into the room with tyler and silently crack open the door to the balcony and sit down

the sun is shining brightly and i feel it burning over my skin, i close my eyes and let the sun soak me up

i sit in silence until i hear a sound and shoot up, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness in my eyes "just me" tyler says and sits on the other chair, i let out a relieved sigh and sit back again

we sit together again in silence

its particularly sunny today and the silence doesnt feel that akward this time "listen" tyler suddenly says "about yesterday, ive been meaning to sa-

i shoot up "tyler"

he looks confused "i wanted-

"look!" i say cutting him off yellow flower petals in the distance flowing through the wind, tyler finally catches on and realizes "oh my..."

"we should go r-right?" i ask tensing up "yeah" he mumbels

"are you sure you're good?" i ask looking at him "im sure" i bite my lip but nod in agreement

"what about him" i nod to the other room

he shruggs "they'll come for him, ill turn on the light when we leave" he says coldly

i hesitate for a moment but agree and hurriedly get back inside packing some stuff quickly and so does tyler

i stop him "ill get it you save your energy alright"
"i can help- "i know, but you just sit down for a moment okay?"

he mumbles something else i cant hear but obeys and sits down watching me, after a short couple minutes i have everything

"ready?" i turn at him and he nods

we get up and i crack open the front door downstairs, tylers fingers resting on the light switch, i feel a shoot of adrenaline flow through me "we're gonna make it" tyler reassures me and smiles slighty

i take a deep breath "alright....hit it!" i say and storm out with tyler close by after flicking on the light

everything is burning as i run out of the sight of bishops, i can see tyler sloping a bit

we make it past the building that was by the yellow petals and right when we run around the corner i bump right into someone

i hit the floor (once again) and a guy turns around, a bright yellow bandana covers half of his face and when he pulls it down i can hear tyler let out a gasp


short one but and didnt upload some time but thats bc CLANCY IS OUTTT and ive been listening soso much, what do you guys think ab clancy? lmk?! also decided do incorporate josh into the story :P

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