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"you'll be okay"


the bright sunlight wakes me up and i blink a couple times, its only than when i realize we're still by the rock, im slumped against tyler, he's still asleep breathing steadily

i notice his- well mine, im just gonna call it the jacket, its wrapped around me, his skin feels warm and safe, i don't wanna leave the moment but i have to

i sneak away without waking him and place the jacket over him, his hair is plastered against his forehead and i carefully brush it out of his face, one piece keeps flopping back and i smile

he turns slighty and i carefully step away not wanting to wake him yet,

is suddenly feel an overwhelming sadness, he's been through so much, i sigh and turn away i walk down the path a little more to a creek, its crystal clear water and it feels nice on my hands

i run them through it and bring a little bit up to my mouth drinking some, it drips down my dry throat and i smile to myself

i scoop up some more "i thought you left!" its tyler, hes standing at the top still at the rock, i didn't see him so in my reflex i swing around making the water fall all over me

he chuckles while walking over "you did that on purpose didn't you" i say while wiping myself "maybe" he smirks

"you ass" i laugh wipping some water out the lake in his direction "woah were gonna play that game okay than" he  takes of his jacket and a devilish grin appears on his face

"oh don't you dare" i say walking backwards "you started it" he laughs

he reaches me and we stand a couple centimeters apart, i can feel his breath on my skin and i look him in his eyes, there's a weird tension for a moment

suddenly he grabs me by the waist and launches me in the lake, the water submerges me and i swim up, my shirt is plastered on me and wearing me down and i wipe the water out my eyes "tyler you ass!" i yell while laughing

dry above hes laughing away looking at my drowsy face

i peel off the t shirt and launch it on land while i throw it in notice my pants are not on me anymore "you made me lose my pants you doofus!" i yell at him

he blushes for a moment but keeps on laughing, i swim towards him and hold out my arm "well atleast help me out will you" i say grumpily

"yes ma'am" he says and grabs my arm, and i smirk at him "on second thought, the water is pretty good"

with all my weight i pull him in the lake with me, i turn over and already laugh before he comes up, and when he does he shakes his head and runs his  hands through his hair making more water come from him

"sorry about that" i sarcastically say and twirl my hair, "i had that one coming" he smiles and splashes more water at me

i cover my eyes and dive under the water, when im up again he is also pulling his shirt off, i swim over to him "pretty nice right" he nods "yeah actually it is"

i look at his chest tattoos shining in the water "would you ever get more tattoos?" i ask looking back up at him

"yeah maybe i think they can really suit a person, would you?"

i think for a moment "i think it does look awesome but i don't know what id get honestly"

he smiles "i can give you something if..if- you uh- want ofcourse" he says akwardly running his hand through his hair

i raise an eyebrow "and how would you do that?"

"well, i don't know if its still here but when josh and i escaped we took the stick and poke stuff we used back when we were teens here"

i giggle "would that even work after so long"
he shrugs "maybe, ill test it on me first" he says and runs his hand through his hair again, ive noticed its something he does when he is nervous

"you have that one stubborn strand" i smile wobbling closer to him fussing with his hair, after a couple seconds i step back looking as if i made an artwork happen, we're once again inches apart and he looks flushed

"oh- sorry, i uh- i just" i stutter but before i can even form a sentence he submerges himself and comes right up, the stubborn hair strand sticking out

"oh no! i messed it all up, now you'll have to start all over" he sarcastically pouts and i chuckle and splash him with water

somebody suddenly clears their throat at the land and we both shoot back, its one of the guys that we met with josh in dema

"josh sent us to search for you guys" he mumbles

i akwardly hold my arms "yeah uh we'll be out in a minute you guys go ahead" tyler says and the guy nods and walks off

he once again tucks at his hair, i wait till the guy is out of sight and than turn back to tyler "cmon we should head out" i say and nudge towards the land

he nods and we crawl out, i pull over my shirt "my pants...shit, welp this is gonna be embarrassing"

tyler chuckles and puts back on his wet clothes, i stand there in my shirt and panties embarrassingly hugging my frame "here" he says "its yours, just let me know if anyone says anything differently ill handle it" i hesitatingly take it

"are you sure, i can just take a different one-

"no no, this one is yours" he firmly presses it into my hand" i give him a half smile and put it on

"i blame you for the ridiculous no pants look" i say and he snickers while putting on his shirt

we start heading back with the group that josh sent, i shiver in the wet clothes while walking "we'll get some dry clothes soon" tyler assures

and we continue walking, when we finally arrive josh is waiting standing with his arms crossed
"where have you two been" he says a little agitated

tyler stutters unsure what to say

"yeah thats on me sorry" i mutter

its silent for a bit and josh grits his teeth "dont leave without saying something next time" he says steadily and walks off

"come on" tyler nudges me towards the clothes tent

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