until tommorow

19 3 0


tyler says and i look confused between them, the guy pulls his bandana down "joseph?"

snapped out of the trance we hear bishops coming "take her trust me, ill be right back" he says not looking at me once

the guy comes over and pulls me against him "hurry will you" he says to tyler and he nods turning to me for a second "i know him dont worry, ill be right out" he says and quickly runs out

the guy with his arm wrapped around me drags me outside while we wait for tyler outside, he turns to me panting holding his hand out

"rowen" he smiles "y/n" i say back
and before any other small talk can come out tyler runs out "alright" he pants "letsgo"

i just follow them into some close by hidden bedroom, tyler shuts the door

i cramp down on the bed gripping my arm, rowen sits beside me on the bed and pulls out a first aid kit from his bag "ill wrap it up for you" he says

im hesitant to show him, considering the cuts plastered along my arm "woah" he just says "what all-

tyler interrupts "heres water to use" he clears his throat, i look at him with watering eyes and we stare for a couple minutes "are you gonna be o-

rowen interrupts him now, "thanks" and dampens my cut, tyler leaves to the small attached bathroom

"so...whats girl like you doing out here" he says while fixing up my arm, i let out a laugh "what do you think"

"feisty huh" he laughs again, tyler returns, bandaid across his cheek "are you okay?" i ask tyler, he's not making any eye contact "fine"

back with the no talking thing, great

"whats up with the dress" rowen asks "not my choice trust me" i say "i've got some space stuff in my backpack for you if u want"

im taken aback "really? yes please" i laugh

he finishes my arm and hand me a black t shirt with some black shorts, "might be a little big"

"anything better than this horrendous thing" i laugh, tyler is silently slouched against the wall observing the situation

i step into the bathroom and change out of the dress, my body is frail and sadly my arms are still out but anything better than this thing

i step out to them arguing but stopped when i see them "everything okay?"

"fine" tyler says

i swear if he says that one more time

"okay..." i mumble and sit down again, rowen plopping down next to me "so...girl, tell me about you" i raise an eyebrow "theres not much to tell"

he grunts "so boring"

"well, what about you than" he smirks "oh me and my boy tyler go way back dont we" he excitingly says

"we used to be friends, until mister here started escaping every other day" he laughs

i look at tyler but he's avoiding any connection

"alright...we should get some sleep so we can leave early tomorrow"

"cool" rowen says "dibs on the bed!" he spreads out on the bed

"theres an air matress in the bag, all yours!"

tyler rolls his eyes and i walk towards the bag, its already getting dark out

i take out the air matress and start pumping it up, tyler watching me closely, its almost full and dark out, i closen it up and sigh while sitting on it

rowen is already drifted off to sleep and tyler still slouched in the corner, i sit on the air matress catching my breath

i look up at tyler, he's picking at his nails, i stand up nudging him to come outside with me

i softly close the door, sitting on the ledge, "cmon" i tap beside me

he obeys and silently looks down at his hands, "tyler"
i say "would you look at me?" i say softly

he hesitates but finally looks up at me "what happend in there?" i say but he looks away again

"doesn't matter" he shakes his head

i sigh and rub my hands together "it does tyler" he shakes his head again and looks up "im serious"

he looks at me "cant change anything about it now" he says clearly hiding his actual feelings and heading back into the bedroom

i stayed out for a bit and than went back in, as usual tyler is huddled up in a corner, once again refusing to share the air mattress

i sigh and take one of the blankets and carefully put it around him, he looks a bit more at peace

i sigh to myself and crash on the air mattress,

until tomorrow

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