just say something

18 4 0

"i pull up a chair and eventually slur away in that same chair by his side"

i feel light tapping on my knee and snap out of my slurred sleep, its tyler, hes awake "tyler!" i shoot up

he weakly smiles, i pull the chair closer to him and sit on it crosslegged "how are you feeling?" i say

he shivers and tries to sit up more "hey dont" i say calmly lying him back, he looks at the ceiling with watery eyes

i bite on my lip unsure what to say "tyler?" i almost whisper "are you in much pain?" i ask softly

"no im okay" he croaks, its silent for a moment, i know he's probably lying but i don't want to fight right now, he swiftly turns towards me "thanks to you"

"why'd you do it"

i raise my eyebrow taken aback with his question "what do you mean?"

"you should've ran, i-i don't understand you don't even know me"

"i would never run tyler"

silence again

"never will" i whisper "well ill see if i can get us something to eat in this building just yell if you need something"

i say and stand up from the bed and tyler grabs me by the wrist "be careful" taken aback by his soft but stern grip, a feeling of warm shoots through me and i look back at him and nod

i walk out of the room and shut the door leaning against it letting out a sigh and make my way to another room, i peek around the room rowen is tied up in, he's out again or asleep, he kept yelling yesterday but i ignored it

i silently pass his room into another one, creaking open the door to reveal a pretty much stripped empty room, i slouch around the empty space thinking how we're gonna move forward like this

i swing one foot infront of the other lazily checking each room, all empty, some have beds but thats about it

"last room.." i whisper to myself and walk in, once again a bed and an empty floor, i open the cabinet, revealing one packet of sealed of crackers, i pick it up "better than nothing"

i turn back and head upstairs back to the room tyler is in, i softly knock before going in, he's in bed a little more slouched up now

"hey" i say and walk towards him, "hey"

"how you holding up?" i ask and sit down on the chair infront of his bed "fine" he shrugs, he's really consistent with this no talking huh

i stay silent for a bit "i got you crackers" i mumble and hold them out for him "not much but something" i chuckle

he takes them and pulls them open "don't you have something?" he asks "oh no im fine you need them" i say and turn my attention to rowen's backpack

"hey wait just take them" he chimes in again, i sigh and look at him "no, you need this, besides im not a bit fan of salty foods anyway" i say

i chuckle, he doesn't

"tyler really, im okay you have them"

its silent again, thinking i finally won this round, he speaks up again "split?" he asks and i look up at him with a sigh, his brown dewy eyes staring into mine, i almost look to long and stutter before forming a sentence

"afraid 1/4 is the best its gonna be" i say looking away, he sighs again


something with this guy and the word fine my god

i decide to switch up the conversation "what are we gonna do with him" i mumble, scared for his reaction

tyler freezes for a second and than looks down "i don't want him with us anymore" he says blankly


"but...he's tied up next door we can't just...leave him like that"

i say carefully while fidgeting with my hands

tyler shrugs

silent again, man these silent patches are killing me

"we'll talk about it later" i mutter and stand up reaching for the first aid kit, "is it okay to change your bandage, you can it do it yourself if you don't want me to-

"you can do it" he mumbles and sits himself up

i sit beside him on the bed with the new bandages, i carefully role up his shirt my hands brushing against his skin

i can feel his eyes looking at me and its making me nervous, "so, quite the tattoo guy huh?" i try and lift up the spirit

he laughs, finally the man can laugh, "you could say that" i carefully peel the tape around the bandage off his skin "how many do you have total?" i ask while still peeling tape

"i think thirteen" he says "wow, that's awesome" he scrunches his eyebrows "you like them?" he asks confused "i do yes" i say

he smiles slightly, that old rosy colour coming back to his cheeks

i slowly lift up the old bandage, revealing irritated red skin and a leftover wound from the actual stab, i sigh softly placing my hand around the skin

"tyler.." i sigh "this is gonna need some time healing" i mumble looking up at him

he bites his lip and thinks for a moment before returning back to me "im fine, we can go tomorro-

"will you stop!" i yell and suprise myself with the shiver in my voice tears brimming my eyes i take a shivered breath, he looks confused and taken aback by my sudden raise of voice

i pick up the new bandage frustratingly but carefully sticking it over the wound, ripping of pieces of tape to fit the bandage

through tears i stick the pieces of tape over the bandage "hey stop wait" tyler says grabbing my wrist "no! let me finish" i blur out at him, tears falling down my face this time

"no, stop" he says calmly pulling away my wrist with more force "tyler!" i sob "j-just let me fin-finish it!"

he looks at me with painful eyes "what's wrong?" he asks, even though concern is written over his face in still mad "nothing is wrong!"

he furrows his brows together, i pull back my hand but he doesn't let go "your upset" he says

"well nice observation!" i spit back, in this time he's more sat up, with the bandage hanging half

i try and worm my way out of his grip but its surprisingly very steady "just let me go" i sob "i won't f-finish your st-stupid bandage"

"just talk to me" i fight my tears but they poor out anyway "i dont want to" i say sounding like a 4 year old forced to eat veggies

i swallow back my tears and theres silence again

"please just say something"

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